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Funeral Service Degree

Bachelor of Science in Funeral Service

Offered on campus

Build a Meaningful Career Path

Our funeral service degree program — with the option to choose a concentration in health and science or business administration — offers two paths:

Program Options

Traditional (3-1) Bachelor of Science Degree 

In cooperation with the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science, we offer a Bachelor of Science degree requiring three years of study at Point Park University, followed by one year of study at PIMS.


Our traditional funeral service program begins at Point Park University. After earning 72 credits at Point Park, you will attend PIMS to complete the 12-month, three-trimester diploma program. Upon completion of requirements at both schools, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree. View degree requirements.

Financial Aid

Point Park’s Office of Financial Aid will process your financial aid — including your year at PIMS. If you choose to live on campus during your PIMS year, federal and state financial aid awards will be applied to housing expenses first. Any remainder will be refunded to you, and you will be responsible for paying PIMS tuition. Students are not eligible for University scholarships or grants through Point Park while taking classes at PIMS.

Capstone Bachelor of Science Degree

In cooperation with the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science, we offer a Bachelor of Science Capstone degree which requires completion of the 20-month, five-trimester Associate in Specialized Business degree at PIMS, followed by one year of study at Point Park.


Our capstone funeral service program follows study at the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science. After completing the 20-month, five-trimester Associate in Specialized Business Degree at PIMS, you will attend Point Park to earn 36 credits. Upon completion of requirements at both schools, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree. View degree requirements.

Financial Aid

Upon admission into the capstone program, Point Park’s Office of Financial Aid will process your financial aid.

Mortuary School Transfer Students

This degree program reflects a specialized arrangement between Point Park University and the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Sciences. If you are a student interested in transferring credits to or from another mortuary school, please contact

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Courses & Topics

You will receive a well-rounded education through Point Park University's core curriculum and classes in the funeral service major. Some of the courses include:

  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Public Health
  • Psychology of Emotion
  • Professional Selling
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Funeral Service Capstone

Pictured is Ethan Apple presenting his capstone project in class. Photo by Nadia Jones.
Pictured is funeral service major Ethan Apple presenting his Funeral Service Capstone project to students, faculty and staff. The capstone course culminates with students sharing challenges they faced during their clinical embalming practicum experience at the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science (PIMS).