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Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellness Endorsement of Students in PreK-12

12-credit program

Offered fully online

Foster Resiliency in PreK-12 Students

Point Park University's School of Education offers a 12-credit Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellness Endorsement of Students in PreK-12 for teachers and other professionals working in the education field.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. Social and emotional skills are critical to being a good student and citizen. 

Point Park's endorsement program, approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), provides teachers with the knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to effectively instruct PreK-12 students using research-based best practices in social emotional learning.

Students in the program will develop an understanding of social, emotional and behavioral wellness to address non-academic barriers to learning to help them foster resiliency in PreK-12 students. This endorsement provides a valuable skillset to teachers who may face challenges in the classroom as they address the ongoing impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on students socially, emotionally and educationally.

Candidates for the Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellness Endorsement of Students PreK-12 must have earned a Level I or Level II instructional, supervisory, educational specialist or administrative certificate.

Students can apply for the PDE Endorsement after completing the coursework by submitting an application in PDE's Teacher Information Management System (TIMS).

Courses & Topics

To complete this endorsement, students will take four courses totaling 12 credits:

  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
  • Social Emotional Learning and Collaborate School-Based Relationships
  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Student Practicum Experience in Social Emotional Learning

Data-Informed Coursework Delivered by Experienced Faculty

Point Park's School of Education faculty are uniquely positioned to provide this program as several professors have served as Youth Mental Health First Aid trainers since 2020. 

Learn more about how the School of Education has a history of centering social emotional learning concepts in its coursework:

Meet Our Faculty

Learn More

Contact Jodi Golis, admissions counselor in the Office of Graduate and Online Admissions, at 412-392-3812 or