Point Park University's Third Annual Graduate Students Conference Scheduled for March 28 - CANCELLED Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Graduate Student Conference has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
"Your Education in Action" Graduate Conference
Master and doctoral students at Point Park University, as well as graduate alumni, are invited to submit scholarly/theoretical research papers and posters for presentation at the University's Third Annual Graduate Students Conference Saturday, March 28, 2020, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in West Penn Hall.
Co-sponsored by the University and the Graduate Student Association, all disciplines/topics of research papers and poster presentations are welcome from students in the follow graduate program areas:

- Business Administration
- Communication
- Community Engagement, Leadership and Ethics
- Education
- Engineering Management
- Environmental Sciences
- Health Care Management
- Psychology and Community Health
- Screenwriting and Playwriting
The objective of the graduate conference is to create an opportunity for graduate students, alumni and faculty to share their work and learn from others' research experiences.
Digest Submissions
Please send full papers or 500-word abstracts to gradconference@pointpark.edu or complete this online application for initial review and feedback. After you receive feedback, please make the suggested changes and re-submit your work for final review and to be included in the conference.
Important Dates
- Sat., Feb. 29, 2020: Digest submission due date
- Fri., March 6, 2020: Submitters will be notified of acceptance
- Sat., March 28, 2020: Graduate Students Conference
Conference Schedule
- 8:30 to 9 a.m.: Registration and continental breakfast
- 9 a.m. to noon: Paper presentations and feedback in West Penn Hall smart classrooms
- Noon to 1:30 p.m.: Lunch provided, keynote speaker, poster presentations and certificate presentations
Conference Application
Complete this online application to participate in the 2020 Graduate Conference.
For questions or more information about the conference, contact Archish Maharaja, Ed.D., at 412-897-7474 or amaharaja@pointpark.edu.