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Pictured is alumna Hillary Maglin. Submitted photo

Meet Hillary Maglin

Job Title & Employer
Editorial Intern, Rachael Ray Every Day
Broadcast Reporting


May 2015
College Activities
U-View, Cheerleading, Point Park News Service, Broadcast Education Association
Pittsburgh, Pa.
High School
Baldwin High School
Now Living In
New York, N.Y.
Hobbies & Interests
Exploring the city, traveling, trying new restaurants, taking dance and yoga classes, Netflix

"I am so thankful to be doing what I love and living in my dream city, and Point Park really got the ball rolling for me. I learned so much, and I know my journalism teachers truly wanted to see me and my classmates succeed."

Hillary Maglin

Tell us about your career path since you graduated from Point Park University.

I always knew I wanted to work in entertainment news, but the first job I took out of college was reporting on-air for a small, local television station in Iowa. I spent a year there before I returned home to Pittsburgh to write, report and do video work for a website called RabbleVID, which KDKA’s Marty Griffin founded. I enjoyed working there because I covered local movie premieres, grand openings of restaurants as well as Steeler and Penguin games. I left to attend a graduate program at New York University called the Summer Publishing Institute this past summer.

How did you secure your position with Rachael Ray Every Day?

Not only did I gain invaluable writing skills and experience at Point Park, NYU, and throughout my time working in media, but during the Summer Publishing Institute, the former editor-in-chief of Rachael Ray Every Day became a mentor to me. When I told her I applied for an internship with the magazine, she prepared me well for my interview. Soon after the interview, I was offered the position!

What are your key responsibilities in this role?

I work on the magazine’s digital side, posting to their social media accounts, writing articles for the website and covering events. 

Why did you choose Point Park for your undergraduate degree?

I knew that I wanted to pursue journalism in some capacity, whether it was through print or broadcast. Because my mom attended Point Park years ago, I was aware that the school had fantastic programs for both. I also fell in love with the urban campus during visits, and knew it was where I wanted to be!

What are your favorite Point Park memories?

I was very involved in U-View and cheerleading at Point Park, and I have so many amazing memories of my time spent in the TV studio and at cheer practice and games. I also was able to travel to New York City, Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. with Point Park, and to this day, they are some of the best and most memorable trips I’ve ever been on.

What are your career goals?

I’ve always been passionate about music, film and pop culture, so my ultimate dream is to write and report for a magazine like People, Entertainment Weekly, or Rolling Stone, where I’d spend my days covering pop culture!

Finals thoughts?

I am so thankful to be doing what I love and living in my dream city, and Point Park really got the ball rolling for me. I learned so much, and I know my journalism teachers truly wanted to see me and my classmates succeed. My advice to current and incoming students would be to take advantage of all Point Park has to offer – get involved in clubs, even if you’re shy. Volunteer to take on responsibilities within those clubs, even if you’re a new student. One of the great things about Point Park is that people are extremely welcoming and inclusive. The more you become involved in, the better your experience at Point Park will be – and the better you’ll be prepared for your future!

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