Point Park University Offers High School Students New Undergrad to Master’s Degree Programs, Complete in Four Years Monday, November 6, 2023

Photo by Ethan Stoner '26
"Industries are looking to hire younger employees that have been embedded with a company and are fully up and running by the time they graduate and start work. This industry trend aligns with what students are asking for, which is a faster timeline from school to career."
Point Park University’s Rowland School of Business announces new degree programs for those interested in earning undergraduate to master’s degrees in four years.
Set to launch in the fall of 2024, the accelerated delivery time for Business Management, Human Resources Management and Marketing & Sales programs now aligns with the University’s existing Entrepreneurship & Innovation degree program, making all four undergraduate degree programs attainable within three years plus one year to obtain a master’s degree. The accelerated degree programs are available to individuals interested in graduating and entering their desired profession sooner.
"Industries are looking to hire younger employees that have been embedded with a company and are fully up and running by the time they graduate and start work," said Patrick Mulvihill, D.Ed., associate professor and chair of the Department of Management in the Rowland School of Business. "This industry trend aligns with what students are asking for, which is a faster timeline from school to career."
The new three-year undergraduate plus one year to a master’s degree programs offer similar internship, co-op, and study abroad opportunities as other programs within the Rowland School of Business. According to Mulvihill, the applied and accelerated format of these classes can be particularly appealing to high school students, especially those participating in dual enrollment at Point Park University. "Those students may be able to complete the accelerated programs within two years, which for motivated and career-minded students, is a real plus," he said. Students enrolled in the program will be required to take one summer session which includes a session abroad. Courses will be a hybrid of online and on-ground classes.
"Our vision with these accelerated degree programs is to redefine the academic experience for students and at the same time, meet the market demands of employers," said Mulvihill.
Information and applications for the new accelerated degree programs at the Rowland School of Business can be found at the links below:
Learn more about the Rowland School of Business in the video below:
More About: faculty, human resource management, business management, Rowland School of Business, marketing and sales