HR Major Gaining Work Experience in the Field With Pittsburgh Human Resources Association Friday, October 7, 2016

Meet Katherine Miller
Major: Human Resource Management
Expected graduation: May 2017
Job title: Administrative Assistant
Employer: Pittsburgh Human Resources Association
College activities: Curriculum cohort for Strong Women, Strong Girls
Scholarship from Point Park: Transfer Trustee
Hometown: Munhall, Pa.
High school: Steel Valley Senior High School
Hobbies/interests: Reading (especially books by John Green and Stephen King) and hockey
LinkedIn: Katherine Miller
Why did you decide to transfer to Point Park to study HR management?
Location was definitely a big factor. Point Park is really close to home and I liked that I could get to campus within a half hour and could meet a lot of new people being in the city. Also, I learned that many of the professors at Point Park are still working in the fields they are teaching in so I knew this would create amazing opportunities for networking and open a lot more doors than going anywhere else.
Tell us about the work you do for the Pittsburgh Human Resources Association.
I help to create and organize a lot of events for the organization including posting event announcements to the website, processing registration payments and other duties. I also make phone calls to PHRA members, answer their questions and process their dues. I'm excited to attend PHRA's upcoming Annual Conference and Exhibition. I have helped my colleagues plan for this event.
Overall, this position has allowed for huge networking opportunities. Through board meetings and other events, I've met so many different people from various companies.
How have your HR management classes at Point Park helped you in this role?
My HR classes have been phenomenal. I've really enjoyed Professor Sandra Mervosh's Organizational Behavior class and Professor Elaine Luther's Senior Seminar in HR management. The professors relate their work experiences back to what we're learning in the classroom and offer a lot of real-world insights and hands-on opportunities with project management.
Also, Laura Dulaney from the Career Development Center has been so helpful. In her Portfolio and Career Planning course, she introduced me to the PHRA (which ultimately led to my current position) and other networking and mentoring opportunities.
What is your career goal?
I'd like to stay close to home and find an HR position in the Pittsburgh area. Being that many of Point Park's professors work here and have contacts with many companies in the region, I know I will be able to accomplish this goal.
What advice do you have students considering transferring to Point Park?
Absolutely do it. Hands down, coming to Point Park has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was difficult at first to put myself out there, but once I did that, it opened me up to so many opportunities. The professors here want to help. Take it. You don't find that everywhere.
As a senior, what are you most looking forward to this year?
I'm a first-generation college student in my family so I'm really looking forward to graduation. I know my parents are already incredibly proud. All of my hard work has been worth it.
Photo by Shayna Mendez, a senior photojournalism major