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Pictured is co-op student Lexus McCarthy. Photo submitted by McCarthy.

Meet Lexus McCarthy

Job Title & Employer
Loan Documentation Specialist Co-op, S&T Bank
Business Management

Concentration in Entrepreneurship

December 2020
Vice Presidential
Armaugh, Pa.
High School
United High School
Now Living In
Armaugh, Pa.
Dream Job
President or Vice President within S&T Bank
Hobbies & Interests
Hanging out with friends and being with family

"During her interview, Lexus expressed a sincere interest in the job and impressed the interview staff with her high degree of intelligence. Point Park University's business management program has done a good job of preparing Lexus to work in this department. She came in with a general understanding of business structure and our department. She was also well prepared to use the technology within the department. Lexus has a future in banking after graduation."

Scott Weimer, vice president of loan documentation and funding assistant manager, S&T Bank

"All of my professors pushed me to do this co-op and made sure I had the appropriate knowledge to do my job. I am thankful for the professors who have prepared me for the role I am in today ... I know Point Park will help me reach my potential by using their network in my favor, making sure I have a job that suits me and my future career goals."

Lexus McCarthy

Tell us about your co-op with S&T Bank.

I first landed an internship with S&T Bank this past summer. During that internship, I learned all about the company, where and what process a loan undergoes and I observed how to document a loan. Eventually, I started to document unsecured and title secured loans, and before I knew it, I was documenting a Uniform Commercial Code secured loan.

After expressing my desire to stay on with the loan department to my supervisor, Scott Weimer, the vice president of loan documentation and funding assistant manager for S&T, offered me a temporary job and co-op opportunity documenting loans. I am very thankful to have this opportunity and excited to gain new knowledge.

What factors made you choose Point Park University?

I chose to attend school at Point Park University because of the CITY atmosphere. Also, another factor was the connection Point Park shares with surrounding businesses.  

How have your business management classes impacted you?

My business management classes have greatly impacted me in the job I hold currently. All of my professors pushed me to do this co-op and made sure I had the appropriate knowledge to do my job. I am thankful for the professors who have prepared me for the role I am in today. 

What have you enjoyed most about going to college in Downtown Pittsburgh?

Being in the city is what I have enjoyed most. I live in a rural setting so being in the city was a change for me and it has been a unique experience that I will forever treasure! I love Pittsburgh!!

What are your career goals and how do you think Point Park will help you reach them?

Eventually, I would like to be president or vice president of a department within S&T Bank. Ideally, I would love to stay with this bank. I know Point Park will help me reach my potential by using their network in my favor, making sure I have a job that suits me and my future career goals.

Connect with Lexus McCarthy