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ABCTE Program Process

Learn about the steps and schedule of the ABCTE program.

Start Your ABCTE Journey

 View the ABCTE program requirement sheets:

Review the charts below to learn about the teaching start dates and ABCTE program process.

Start Dates for Phase 3: The Required 60 Days of Teaching

Below is a chart showing the required 60 consecutive days of teaching start dates for the ABCTE program.

Start Dates

Required Orientation via Zoom, 7 p.m.

All Information and TTP Submitted No Later Than 11:59 p.m. on These Dates

September 2 August 27 August 1
October 6 October 1 September 12
November 10 November 5 October 17
January 20
January 14 December 5
February 9 February 4 January 16
We offer five different start dates for the required 60 consecutive days of mentoring during the academic year. Candidates need to complete all steps in Phases 1 and 2 before moving to Phase 3. As soon as the candidate receives their Temporary Teaching Permit, the candidate is required to start the mentoring on the next available date. The Temporary Teaching Permit is valid for one year and cannot be renewed.

View the start dates for Phase 3 – 2024-25 academic year.

2025-26 Academic Year 60-Day Mentoring

Cost of 60-Day Mentoring (0 credits): $6,000

  • SPED 640 Mentorship for ABCTE Certification - Special Education (0 credits)
  • EDUC 627 Mentorship for ABCTE Certification - PreK-Grade 4 (0 credits)
  • EDUC 640 Mentorship for ABCTE Certification - Secondary Education (0 credits)

View our Graduate Catalog for full course descriptions

Phases of the ABCTE Program Process

The four phases of the ABCTE program process are outlined in the chart below. Follow these steps carefully to ensure successful completion of your certification.

The following table explains the 15 steps to complete the ABCTE program at Point Park University.
Person Responsible


1. Read the Point Park University ABCTE Handbook then visit the and register.


Complete this Verification of Registration for American Board Certification form.

2. Pass the Professional Teaching Knowledge (PTK) Exam and content exam(s) in one area:


Submit American Board Scores and Certificate to Mrs. Beverina-Moore.

3. Apply online to Point Park University.

  • After you pass the American Board Exams


Required Supporting Documents:

ID Photos – As of Summer 2022, applicants must submit a personal photo and a picture of a government-issued photo ID for identity verification purposes. Photos may be uploaded during the application process or emailed to
Official transcripts - Admission as an ABCTE candidate requires proof of a bachelor's degree from an accredited American institution or its equivalent from a recognized institution outside the United States. Therefore, all ABCTE candidates must request official copies of all college and university transcripts showing conferral of a bachelor's degree and have them sent to Point Park University. PDE may now accept a conferred graduate degree from an accredited college or university in lieu of a baccalaureate degree.

Official transcripts:
  • Have a seal or statement indicating no seal
  • Have an authorized signature 
  • Are submitted electronically to Point Park by the issuing institution utilizing Parchment or E-script online transcript services. Electronic submission is preferred.


  • Are mailed directly to Point Park by the issuing institution. Our address is:
Point Park University
Office of Graduate and Online Admissions
201 Wood St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

NOTE: Candidates who earned their degrees at institutions outside the United States must request an official transcript evaluation from World Education Services or International Consultants of Delaware (all non-English transcripts must also include English translations) and have that evaluation sent directly to Point Park University.

Email your American Board scores and certificate to Mrs. Denise Beverina-Moore.


  • Select the Master's and Doctoral Application.
  • Before beginning your application, you will need to set up an account by providing a valid email address and creating a password.
  • When asked for type of program, select Graduate.
  • When asked to indicate type of student, select On Ground.
  • When asked to indicate academic major, select one:
    • Professional Development Graduate Secondary Education (grades 7-12)
    • Professional Development Graduate PreK-4
    • Professional Development Graduate Special Education PreK-12



4. After being admitted, register for two online graduate classes at Point Park University. Each graduate course is 3 credits.

After earning your Instructional I Certification, these 6 credits can be used toward a master's degree (and possible additional certification) in the following areas:

*Transfer credits are not approved for the ABCTE Program. 

Lynn Ribar, Office of Graduate and Online Admissions

Mrs. Beverina-Moore, Director of Student Placements, School of Education

Candidates are required to successfully complete two of the eight-week online graduate courses listed below and earn a 3.0 GPA:

Special Education PreK-12

  • SPED 542 - Intensive Reading, Writing and Math Interventions
  • SPED 534 - Differentiated Instructional Practices in the Inclusive Classroom


  • EDUC 515 - Foundations of Literacy and Writing
  • SPED 534 - Differentiated Instructional Practices in the Inclusive Classroom

Secondary Education (Grades 7-12)

  • EDUC 501 Instructional Methods for Secondary or EDUC 530 - Instructional Methods
  • SPED 534 - Differentiated Instructional Practices in the Inclusive Classroom

5. Pass American Board exams.


Submit American Board scores and certificate in Canvas Professional Development Step 5.

6. Complete the Statement of Financial Responsibility form.



Submit Statement of Financial Responsiblity form in Canvas Professional Development Step 6

7. Request approval for your 60-day teaching placement and include:

  • Name of the school and school district (Must be in Pennsylvania)
  • Teaching schedule
  • School district calendar



Candidate will acquire his or her own placement. (The placement must consist of at least 60 consecutive days of full-time, full-day teaching in the candidate's certification area. Part-time and cyber school placements are not acceptable.)

Review the chart above for the approved start dates and dates when documents are due.

Submit to Canvas Professional Development Step 7:

  • Name of the school and school district
  • Teaching schedule
  • School district calendar

8. Complete Placement Verification form including School District Official’s signature.


Submit approved Placement Verification form to Canvas Professional Development Step 8.

9. Apply for new clearances.




10. Complete Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania training.

Candidate Submit certificate - Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania to Canvas Professional Development Step 10.




11. Upon successful completion of Phases 1 and 2, candidates are required to gain permission via email from Mrs. Beverina-Moore, to apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the Temporary Teaching Permit (TTP).

Learn more: TIMS FAQ page

Candidate with required permission from Mrs. Beverina-Moore


In order to apply for the TTP, a candidate must supply the following to PDE:

Submit the ABCTE application addendum in Canvas Professional Development Step 11.

Review the chart above for the approved start dates and dates which documents are due.

12. Using your TIMS username and password access your Temporary Teaching Permit (TTP).


Submit your TTP to Canvas Professional Development Step 12.

13. Mentoring Process Begins

Review the chart above for the approved start dates and dates which documents are due.

Mrs. Beverina-Moore

  • University supervisor assigned
  • Attend the Mandatory Virtual Orientation 
  • Mentoring starts on the next available date
  • Begin 60 consecutive days of full-time, full-day teaching in certification area
  • Maintain attendance card

14. Mentoring Requirements




Complete 60 consecutive days of full-time, full-day teaching in certification area.

Assignments submitted in Canvas ABCTE mentoring:

  • Daily lesson plans as required by your school
  • Submit Weekly Log and Attendance Card
  • Final attendance card with last teaching date approved by University supervisor
  • One lesson plan submitted prior to each of the four required virtual and/or face-to-face observations by the University supervisor
  • One reflection submitted following each observation
  • Complete four seminar assignments
  • Compile professional portfolio




15. Upon completion of Phase 3, candidate applies through TIMS for Instructional 1 Certification.

Learn more: TIMS FAQ page

Navigating the Teacher Information Management System Video:




Directions for Applying for Instructional I Certification

Learn More

For more information about Point Park's ABCTE program, contact Mrs. Beverina-Moore, M.A., lecturer and director of student placements, at