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The University bills on a semester/term basis.  The student account billing statement can include more than one semester or term. The statement has charges, payments and credits separated by semester or term.  A due date is listed for each specific semester or term.

Financial aid will not be applied to your bill if you have not correctly completed and submitted all the necessary forms to the Financial Aid Office. If you are missing documents, please contact Financial Aid at 412-392-3930 or visit their website by clicking on the following link, Financial Aid.

If you have not registered for classes, financial aid will not appear on your bill. Also, if you have made schedule changes, aid may need to be adjusted.

If you have completed all of the necessary steps to receive financial aid, the Financial Aid Office updates billing statements daily. Within a week of completing all of the necessary requirements, financial aid should be applied to your bill. You can view your account on Point Web.

Financial aid refunds are processed after the appropriate semester's disbursement date. The disbursement date is when Point Park receives the actual financial aid money from the federal government or the bank. By federal law, Point Park University has 14 days to issue a credit balance generated by federal funds. More information on refund checks can be found by clicking on the following link, Refunds.

No. The Student Accounts Office cannot accept payments over the phone. Students can pay online by logging into Point Web or in the Student Financial Services Office (First Floor, Thayer Hall) with a check, cash or money order. Authorized Parties can pay online by logging into Nelnet Enterprise . Individuals without a user name can use the Guest Login option on PointWeb.

The Student Accounts Office accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card online only. A processing fee of 2.85% is applied to each transaction.

No. The Student Accounts Office does not accept post-dated checks.

Food and housing changes must be made with the Student Life Office. Once changes to contracts are official, the Student Life Office notifies the Student Accounts Office and the change is reflected on the student account billing statement. For more information about food and housing changes, please contact Student Life at

Yes. The semester/term payment plan agreement covers only one semester/term at a time. Students are required to complete a new agreement and pay the enrollment fee each semester/term that they would like to participate in the plan. The annual payment plan agreement covers both the fall and spring semesters for one academic year. Students must complete a new annual payment plan agreement and pay the enrollment fee prior to the start of the fall semester for each year that you will need an annual payment plan . More information on payment plans can be found by clicking on the following link, Payment Plans.

Yes. The employer deferred tuition agreement covers only one semester at a time. Students are required to complete a new agreement and pay the deferred payment fee each semester that they would like to participate in the plan.  The University will also need to confirm the student's employer tuition benefits each semester.  More information on the Employer Deferred Tuiton Porgram can be found by clicking on the following link, Employer Reimbursement.

A business hold is placed on an account when a past due balance is owed. Business holds prevent students from registering for future semesters and receiving official transcripts. If you have a business hold on your account, please contact the Student Accounts Office immediately to discuss payment options.  Email

Financial Clearance is the University's term for satisfying a student account balance.

A student is considered financially cleared when payment in full is made by the tuition due date, a payment plan is applied for and approved or financial aid resources are secured to cover the full account balance.  Students may also use the Employer Deferred Tuition Agreement to assist with financial clearance. 

For parents or other individuals to view the student account online, they must be set up by the student as an authorized party. Parents and individuals other than students making payments cannot set themselves up as authorized parties. Students must set up authorized parties through Point Web.

For parents or other individuals to call the office on behalf of the student and receive information, a Release of Information Request must be on file. For students to complete this form, they must add the name(s) of who will have access to the student account.  Students can complete a Release of Information Form online via PointWeb under the Student Accounts section.

For information on these topics or if you have questions, please contact the Office of Student Accounts by email at or by phone, 412-392-3424.