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Office of the Provost Staff Directory





Michael Soto Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs  412-392-3976
Emily Conrad Director of Academic Affairs 412-392-3941
Zachary Vought Executive Assistant to the Provost and VP of Enrollment Mangement 412-392-3976



Michael Soto

Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs

Michael Soto serves as Point Park University's provost and senior vice president of
academic affairs. As the chief academic officer of the University, he oversees all academic programs; faculty; academic support staff; departments of student affairs, registrar, and institutional research and planning; and the library.

A native of South Texas, Soto holds a Ph.D. in English and American Literature and Language from Harvard University and a B.A. in Modern Thought and Literature from Stanford University.

Prior to his current role, Soto was Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of English at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of six books and many articles on twentieth-century U.S. literature and cultural history.

Selected Books:

  • The Modernist Nation: Generation, Renaissance, and Twentieth-Century American Literature (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004)
  • Editor, Teaching the Harlem Renaissance: Course Design and Classroom Strategies (New York: Peter Lang, 2008)
  • Measuring the Harlem Renaissance: The U.S. Census, African American Identity, and Literary Form (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2016)
  • Editor, A Companion to American Literature: 1914 to the Present (West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell, 2020)




Emily Conrad

Director of Academic Affairs

Emily Conrad is responsible to the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs for the management of academic administration responsibilities in Academic Affairs. She is responsible for providing support to strategic teams and committees within the University; oversight of faculty processes (promotion and tenure, sabbatical, etc.); preparation of reports to support Academic Affairs; interpreting, monitoring and analyzing policies and procedures within Academic Affairs; and administering budgets and coordinating academic and staff personnel matters within Academic Affairs.

Prior to her current role in the Office of Provost, Conrad was the Director of Academic Administration in the Rowland School of Business.  She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.A. in Economics and Business Administration and received a M.B.A. from the University of New Orleans.