Lake Michigan Credit Union Tuition Discount for Members and Employees

Our educational partnership will allow you the flexibility of pursing a career-ready degree program while saving valuable money. Our partnership allows for the following tuition discount benefits:
- 25% tuition discount on select online programs for LMCU members and their dependent children
- 25% tuition discount on select online programs for LMCU employees, spouses and dependent children
Undergraduate programs
- B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies
- B.A. in Organizational Leadership
- B.A. in Public Relations and Advertising
- B.A. in Social Media Management
- B.S. in Accounting
- B.S. in Applied Computer Science
- B.S. in Business Administration
- B.S. in Business Management
- B.S. in Criminal Justice
- B.S. in Human Resource Management
- B.S. in Information Technology
- B.S. in Marketing and Sales
- B.S. in Public Administration
- B.S. in Sports, Arts, & Entertainment Management
- Post-Bac B.S. in Accounting
- Post-Bac B.S. in Business Management
- Post-Bac B.S. in Human Resource Management
Graduate Programs
- M.A. in Communication Technology
- M.A. in Intelligence and Global Security
- Master of Business Administration
- M.S. in Health Care Administration and Management
- Certificate in Social Media Management
Learn more or apply today.
For specific questions about our partnership, please contact or 412-392-3808.
Point Park University is a dynamic, urban career-focused university located in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh. The University delivers over 20 online degree programs to more than 1,000 active online students. Our community of online learners from across the country and world gather to engage in rigorous, thoughtful programs taught by professors with real-world experience.
*Degrees not eligible for discount include M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction – Teaching and Leadership, M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction with Supervisor Certification, M.A. in Educational Administration, M.Ed. in Athletic Coaching and M.Ed. in Special Education.
**For LMCU members to receive the discount, they will submit a letter to the Office of Student Accounts from the Lake Michigan Credit Union verifying membership every semester of registered course work.
***Dependents include son, daughter, step-son or step-daughter age 25 and under. Students who start the program at age 25 will be receive the tuition benefit for the duration of their program provided they maintain good student standing.