Frequently Asked Questions
The UCC can help students get connected to the appropriate care and services in the Pittsburgh area and within Point Park University. We recommend students schedule an initial screening session with us to learn more about their needs and preferences with the purpose of making appropriate recommendations, which may include services at the UCC, campus support services, or local community providers. Our clinicians try to provide recommendations and referrals that are tailored to individual needs, preferences, and/or current circumstances (e.g. insurance coverage, gender, cultural or spiritual background, specific specialties, or approaches of the provider). Students can schedule an initial screening with the UCC by calling our office at 412-392-3977 or emailing us at
If you do not want to schedule a screening session, the UCC can help you obtain general referrals based on your insurance without a screening. While it won’t be as tailored, we can still help you get started. If you have any challenges getting appointments or finding a good fit, you are always welcome to call or email for more help.
If you prefer to find a therapist on your own, we recommend trying the Thriving Campus and Psychology Today provider searches.
All services at the UCC are free. If students are interested in continuing psychotherapy beyond our short-term model, or if they are in need of specialized or more intensive treatment, we can help them find services in the community that would fit their needs. These services in the community are usually paid for through the student’s health insurance.
Attendance Policies
Inconsistent attendance at scheduled appointments interferes with the effectiveness of counseling, and also limits Counseling Services’ ability to help the greatest number of students. We have developed the following policies in an effort to ensure success in therapy:
- No-Shows: Failure to attend an appointment without first canceling or rescheduling constitutes a no-show. If you no-show for an appointment, you must follow-up with The Health and Wellness Center know within 48 hours of your intention to keep your next regularly scheduled appointment; otherwise, we will open that time to other students. If you no-show for your appointment two times, you may lose your current counseling spot and you will be referred to the Director of Student Health and Wellness to discuss treatment options.
- Late Arrivals: For 50 minute appointments, the student will be seen if they are less than 15 minutes late to check in at the front desk. For 30 minute appointments, the student will be seen if they are less than five minutes late to check in at the front desk. Any student arriving within the late time frames listed above will be required to reschedule their appointment at the front desk.
- Cancellations: We understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for school, work or family. If it is necessary to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we require that you do so at least 2 hours before your appointment time. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will give another person the possibility to have access to that time slot.
- Frequent rescheduling and canceling for individual therapy appointments will result in being referred to the Director of Student Health and Wellness to discuss treatment options.
Protecting the privacy of students receiving UCC services is of the utmost importance to us. In accordance with law, we do not release any information about a student to anyone outside of the UCC without the explicit written permission from the student. If you want a therapist to communicate with family members, faculty/staff, or other providers you can discuss this with a UCC clinician and complete a Release of Information Form (ROI).
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania any individual over the age of 16 has the right to keep treatment private from their parents. Accordingly, we do not release confidential information to parents or family members unless a written consent has been signed.
There are limits to confidentiality. By law we are obligated to disclose personal information without permission in emergency situations where information is needed to protect the safety of someone whose life may be at risk. Students can discuss any concerns they have about the limits to confidentiality with their UCC therapist at any time.
The UCC offers mental health services to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at Point Park University. Students come to the UCC for a variety of reasons, in some cases students use therapy for self-exploration as a way to better understand themselves. Other times, students are looking for emotional or psychological support on how to deal with a psychological difficulty.
Here are some examples of reasons students come to the UCC:
- Self exploration
- Depression, feeling too sad too much of the time
- Stress and anxiety
- Friendship issues, loneliness, isolation
- Adjusting to college, homesickness
- Problems with self-esteem, feeling bad about yourself
- Romantic relationship concerns
- Family of origin issues
- Roommate problems
- Sense of identity and personal growth
- Sexuality concerns
- Dealing with loss
- Academic issues, test anxiety, motivation, procrastination, career uncertainties
- Alcohol and drug use
- Concerns about problematic eating
- Sexual assault or abuse
It does not matter if what you are going through seems big or small to you; let’s talk about it!
We all go through stressful situations and tough times in our lives. This is especially true during our college years, when we face new challenges and many changes. Reaching out to someone at the UCC will help you get the support you need to grow personally and thrive in college. Asking for help is a sign of strength and maturity; it is not a sign of weakness.
We encourage you to come to the UCC before your personal struggle becomes overwhelming. Some students wait until they are in a panic or reach a breaking point before seeking help, which can result in undue hardship and pain. You might want to consider seeking professional help when things in your personal life are not feeling quite right or when you are in distress and don’t know how to handle it. Many students engage in psychotherapy to learn more about themselves to be better equipped to manage life’s challenges.
Here are a few examples of indications that you may be distressed and want to consider coming to the UCC:
- Sleep – difficulties falling asleep, difficulties sleeping throughout the night, sleeping too much, not wanting to get out of bed, avoiding sleep by staying up all night. Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is essential for mental health and for sustaining high levels of academic performance.
- Appetite – eating more, eating less, or choosing foods you don’t normally eat. Significant alterations in appetite are often a sign that something is going on psychologically and it is not being adequately addressed.
- Social Withdrawal – withdrawing from family and friends (not wanting to talk to them or see them), staying by yourself too much, avoiding social situations, avoiding classes.
- Focus/Concentration – difficulty paying attention in class, difficulties focusing on assignments, having to re-read the same paragraph over and over again in order to understand what you are reading.
- Mood – increased moodiness, sadness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, worries, fear, or hopeless.
- Energy Level – sustained decrease in energy level and motivation, or having too much energy (for example: unable to sleep or turn off your thoughts)
- Motivation – loss of interest in academic work, feeling uninterested in pleasurable activities, general apathy.
- Behavior Changes – acting differently than usual (e.g. irritability or edginess, “not caring” attitude, not performing like you used to, not engaging in activities you used to enjoy, increased substance abuse, engaging in other self-destructive behavior).
If you are still uncertain whether the UCC is the right place for you, you can call and ask to consult with a therapist. We will meet with you, talk about what you are experiencing, and discuss your options for treatment, if appropriate.
The UCC is attentive to issues of diversity and equality. We respect and value each person as a unique individual. We offer a safe and supportive space for students who identify as LGBTQ+ to navigate the challenges of exploring and integrating their gender and sexual identities. We are happy to help you learn about and connect with LGTBQ-informed and supportive treatment providers in the Pittsburgh area.
Psychotherapy is often called “counseling” or “therapy.” Psychotherapy is a process of addressing mental health and personal growth issues by talking them through in a private, confidential setting with a trained professional. The process involves weekly meetings to allow for the development of trust and comfort in the relationship between you and your therapist. This exploration in a supportive environment is a process that can lead to greater understanding and self-awareness. It can facilitate maturation and growth as well as help you develop the skills necessary to deal successfully with personal problems and life challenges.
A psychologist is a doctoral-level (Ph.D.) licensed professional that has expertise in talk therapy, psychological assessment and knowledge of issues of psychological health and disorder. A psychiatrist, on the other hand, is a licensed medical doctor (MD) who has expertise in medication and biological treatment of mental disorders. Some psychiatrists provide talk therapy, though most do not. Psychiatrists may prescribe medication for treatment of mental health issues while psychologists do not prescribe medications.
If you feel concerned or worried about a friend please follow this link for helpful tips on how to support them. If your friend is experiencing a life threatening emergency, please call Public Safety at 412-392-3960, or 911 if you are off campus.
Therapy sessions are typically 45-50 minutes in length. At first, the meetings are usually focused on information gathering. Your therapist will ask questions about the concerns which brought you in and about your life in general in order to get to know you and have a better understanding of your needs. One of the important goals of these meetings is to determine the right kind of treatment for you.
Subsequent sessions may take different shapes or forms, but for the most part your therapist will encourage you to talk freely about your thoughts, feelings, and whatever is troubling you. As sessions progress, you should feel more comfortable with your therapist and you may focus on many different subjects or themes. Don't worry if you find it hard to open up about your feelings. Your therapist can help you gain more comfort as time goes on. It is important that you are open with your therapist and share with them your experience of your work together. Both you and your therapist are in this together and communication and collaboration will be important for its success.
The UCC offers a range of different services to help students in need. Some students have needs that require long-term or specialized services in the community. The screening appointment is the time for you and a therapist to determine the best way to address your needs.
Therapy is a process that involves regular meetings with a professional so that trust and intimacy can develop. Consultation is often a single encounter with a professional that is aimed at clarifying a discrete issue or problem and identifying some ways to cope or respond. Additionally, therapists provide consultation to faculty, staff and concerned family members.
One of the reasons group work is so beneficial is that it provides the opportunity to learn and grow through interaction with others in a supportive, safe, and confidential setting. Groups also help by connecting students with others who share similar concerns, allowing them to experience acceptance and belonging, give and receive support, and reduce isolation.
Group therapy helps group members experience new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. A main focus in group therapy is your process of relating to other group members. This work can involve group members developing trust, building intimacy, or working through conflicts together. As group therapists facilitate a safe and confidential environment, group members are able to give support, offer feedback, help raise awareness of interpersonal patterns, and help address difficulties. Like other forms of therapy, what you get out of your group experience will depend largely on what you invest into it.
It may seem scary to think about discussing personal stuff with your peers. If you’re feeling hesitant—and many people do at first—that’s not necessarily a reason to not pursue group work. In fact, that may be a clue that group could be helpful to you, indicating that you could benefit from practicing your relationship skills and increasing your willingness and comfort in sharing your experiences (including your struggles) with others.
When you begin the process of seeking professional help, it’s not easy to know where to start. We encourage students to use the UCC as the first step in figuring out what type of help is needed. Your initial screening with a UCC therapist will help determine the right path, whether at the UCC or with a provider in the community.
The UCC provides short-term psychotherapy. In cases when there is a desire or need for longer-term or specialized care, UCC staff will help students connect with the right resources in the community. These might include long-term psychotherapy, psychiatric care, psychological testing and evaluations, or intensive specialized care for eating disorders or substance abuse.
The UCC can help you find a therapist in the community but if you want to do this yourself here are a few tips and suggestions:
- Explore your health insurance benefits. More specifically, it would be helpful for you to know what your mental/behavioral health outpatient benefits. Find out if you have a deductible and if there is a co-payment (out-of-pocket cost) for the services.
- Find out who your insurance covers. There are many times when you can access your insurance website for a list of providers in the area. If this is not readily available online, you can also call your insurance provider and ask them to send/tell you a list of providers in your area.
- Compile a list of potential therapists. Once you have a list of therapists to choose from, consider the following questions: Do I have a gender preference? What area/location works best for me? Some therapists list areas of specializations, if that is the case, think what areas would be helpful to you.
- Narrow your list to two or three therapists. Because therapists may not always have openings or availabilities in the time frame that you want, we recommend you select two or three therapists from the list that meet your criteria. Be prepared to call and leave a clear message with your name and a phone number for them to reach you in order to schedule an appointment. Many therapists also offer an email option for establishing contact.
- Meet with your therapist. We encourage you to approach the first encounter with openness and honesty, while also recognizing that you are trying to find a therapist who feels like a good fit for you. Notice how you feel when you talk to your new therapist, get a sense of what it feels like when you are with them, and attend to your level of comfort or discomfort with them.
The UCC partners with Thriving Campus to help students find local therapists. The APA Psychologist Locator and Psychology Today can also help you find mental health providers in your area.
Due to limited resources at the UCC a therapist may not always be available for a same day appointment. However, you can always reach out to the UCC by email ( or phone (412-392-3977) to see if a therapist can meet with you the same day.
We know struggles can happen at any given moment, and if a UCC therapist is not available at the time of your need, the UCC recommends contacting Resolve Crisis Services. Resolve Crisis Services is available 24/7 to provide support. Resolve provides comprehensive crisis services to Allegheny County residents, regardless of age or ability to pay. They provide confidential telephone counseling, mobile crisis teams that travel anywhere in Allegheny County, walk-in assistance at any of clinic (click this link for clinic location information) no appointment needed, and overnight/crisis residential treatment up to 72 hours. Resolve Crisis Services may be reached by phone at 1-888-796-8226.
The Point Park University Counseling Center provides short term psychotherapy to students. Generally, students meet with a UCC staff member for 6-8 sessions and typically do not exceed 12 sessions within an academic year. Students usually see their therapist every 2 weeks for individual counseling. Additional sessions may be recommended on a case-by-case basis.
If a student desires or needs long term care, the UCC can help identify appropriate therapists and/or mental health professionals in the community with whom the student may connect.
There are no limits for consultation, crisis support, or referral services.
No. The UCC is not able to accept private pay nor insurance. As students near the end of their sessions at the UCC, therapists will discuss recommendations for ongoing care and will help facilitate any referrals to providers in the community when appropriate.
Any student with urgent concerns during business hours can be seen in a timely manner to ensure they are supported and safe. All students are seen with in a relatively brief time frame for the initial screening session (approximately 2-7 business days). If through the screening it is determined that brief therapy at the UCC or clinic is appropriate, at busy times of the semester you might experience a delay in starting therapy. The wait to start psychotherapy will depend on the student’s availability as well as that of the therapist. For this reason, there is significant variation in how long it might take to start psychotherapy. Often it can be within a few days of the initial consultation.
Click here to learn about the current University Counseling Center staff.
There are many useful campus support services available to students. We can help you determine which is right for you over the phone as well as during an initial screening appointment. Students are often referred to us from other support services too, so if you go there and it seems like the UCC might be a good place to go to, they can steer you in this direction as well. Sometimes a combination of services and supports is best. See a list of available campus resources.
For routine new patient appointments, the amount of time it takes to get in to see a provider can vary widely based on your availability and provider openings. If a student chooses to be seen in the community and has narrowed down their search to a handful of therapists, they are encouraged ot reach out to thema s soon as possible, as It can take several weeks (1-4 weeks on average) from an initial appointment request to having your first meeting with a therapist.
For psychiatrists, it may take longer (6-10 weeks on average) from initial appointment request to actual appointment. Again, this is dependent on student availability and practitioner openings. In some cases, especially with growing availability of virtual visits, a student may be seen much sooner. If a student is taking medication prescribed by a psychiatrist, it is important to plan ahead for care to ensure there is no lapse in their medication. For new students moving to the area, we recommend calling several months in advance of moving to set up an appointment with a psychiatrist.
Some of the same symptoms of ADHD such as distractibility, difficulty sustaining concentration, etc. are common symptoms of other conditions (depression, anxiety, trauma, significantly increased stress, adjustment to new demands/changes, significant sleep disruption, underlying medical conditions, side effects to medications, etc.). It is important to obtain a thorough evaluation to determine whether the problems are specific to an ADHD diagnosis, as treatment could be quite different based on the origin of the problem.
The first step is to schedule a neuropsychological evaluation with a psychiatrist. The neuropsychological evaluation will help determine the diagnosis and identify treatment options (i.e. therapy, medication, academic accommodations, etc.). While these evaluations are not available at the UCC, we can help you find a community provider who accepts your insurance and offers neuropsychological assessments. Feel free to call the UCC to schedule a consultation to discuss to your concerns and explore how to get started.
Pittsburgh has multiple private providers who specialize in neuropsychological evaluations and diagnose ADHD. UPMC offers a specialty clinic that provides evaluation and treatment of ADHD. Learn more here: UPMC ADHD Services for College Students.
Finding the right treatment and support for you will be important in learning how to manage your symptoms of ADHD. Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to Accessibility Services through PPU's Center for Student Success to discuss any needed class accommodations. Additionally, the following supports are available:
- Therapy: As students transition to college and/or graduate school, it can be quite overwhelming to establish new routines and relationships in the face of increased demands and less structure. Individual and/or group therapy can help. The UCC can help you get connected to the appropriate therapy to support you. Please schedule an initial screening at the UCC to discuss your needs.
- Medication: If you are interested in establishing psychiatric treatment with a provider in Pittsburgh, the UCC can assist with this process. Please keep in mind the following three details given that stimulant medications are controlled substances:
- Stimulants are highly regulated medications at the state and federal level. Your current physician or psychiatrist will likely give you a 30-day supply before coming to school, but it will take some time to get in to see a local psychiatrist (sometimes 6-8 weeks). Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and schedule an appointment with a Pittsburgh psychiatrist or physician prior to finishing up with your current provider. If you are close to running out, our recommendation is for you to contact your most recent provider and ask for a new script to get you through until you see your next doctor or psychiatrist.
- Extensive documentation of diagnostic evaluation and treatment records are usually required in order to continue prescriptions for stimulant medication. Therefore, you will need to sign a release of information for your records to be released. If you are interested in the UCC helping with this, schedule a consultation session at the UCC. We will ask that you sign a release of information for your current provider to release your evaluation and medication records to the UCC. If the documentation of evaluation and diagnosis is missing or found to not be thorough enough, new doctors may refuse to prescribe until a new evaluation is completed.
- Executive Functioning/Academic Coaching: Some students have had this type of support in high school or are interested in connecting for the first time. This is a service that includes individual appointments with a coach who helps the student organize, plan and prioritize tasks for their week with classes and other demands. This coach also teaches strategies to increase independence at the college level, so that students can experience the most success. The UCC can help students connect with a specific community provider who can provide this service. It is important to note that this service is not covered by insurance and is private pay, but there are sometimes scholarships available.