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End of Blessings cover image.

Point Park's cinema arts department and the John P. Harris Film Society will host the Black Maria Film Festival tour Thursday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. in the University Center's GRW Theater.

Among the award-winning narrative short films screening is The End of Blessings - produced and directed by Senior Teaching Artist John Rice and poet Jim Daniels, with sound design by Associate Professor Andrew Halasz - which won a Director's Choice Award at this year's Black Maria Film Festival. Rice and Daniels will lead a question-and-answer-session following the screening.

"It was an honor for our film to be selected for this touring film festival that receives submissions from across the globe," Rice said.

Founded in 1981, the Black Maria Film Festival is an international showcase featuring the work of independent filmmakers.

"The Black Maria Film Festival is in its 35th year. With the focus on short films, it is a good fit with the cinema arts program," added Rice. "There's still no substitute for the shared experience of seeing films on a big screen surrounded by others."

The festival is free and open to the public.

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More About: cinema arts, faculty,