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WPPJ nominated for five Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards Wednesday, February 6, 2013

For the third year in a row, WPPJ, Point Park University's student-run radio station, has been nominated in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System College Radio Awards. Five WPPJ submissions were named as category finalists:
- "Best Sports Play-by-Play," broadcasting reporting majors Aaron Cooney and Matt Desmond
- "Best Sports Update," Aaron Cooney and broadcasting reporting major Nick Sperdute
- "Best Talk Program, WPPJ Morning Show," broadcasting reporting major Wayne Weil and broadcast production and programming major Liz Layhew
- Two nominations for "Best Celebrity Interview, WPPJ Morning Show," Wayne Weil's interview with Phil Demmel (guitarist with Machine Head) and Liz Layhew's interview with Rick Sebak (WQED-TV producer)
David Fabilli, professor of broadcasting and faculty adviser of WPPJ, will travel with the students to the 73rd Annual IBS National Conference in New York City in March.
IBS is a national college radio station organization made up of more than 1,000 member stations from across the United States.
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