Meet Kadi Camardese, M.B.A. Alumna and Communications Manager for American Bridge Company Thursday, May 3, 2012

Meet Kadi Camardese
Hometown and current residence: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Job title: Communications Manager
Employer: American Bridge Company
Degrees earned: Bachelor of Science in geographical information sciences and urban planning, California University of Pennsylvania; M.B.A. with a concentration in International Business, Point Park University
Graduation years: 2004 and 2008
Interests: Traveling, hiking, wine tasting, estate saleing, refinishing antique furniture, cooking and listening to jazz music, herb and vegetable gardening; but what makes me smile the most is my dog Brodi.
Why did you choose Point Park for graduate school?
I completed my undergrad degree in a rural area so I wanted to pursue my graduate studies in a downtown, urban setting. Point Park has a good reputation and was conveniently located so that I could take the bus Downtown to work as a graduate assistant during the day and attend classes in the evening. Also, I enjoyed the outdoor areas and the overall environment of the campus.
How has your M.B.A. degree helped you in your role as a communications manager?
Many of the courses aided growth in business as well as my personal life. For example, the course in organizational leadership gave me an overall understanding of corporate world, while the marketing strategies class taught me how to utilize supply and demand from an intangible marketplace. My graduate education required me to prioritize (and reprioritize) my time enabling me to revamp, reorganize, and improve the marketing and communications department I currently manage.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy working in an environment that is ever-changing and where I am continuously learning. As new challenges arise it is my sole responsibility to solve problems and research solutions for better overall department efficiency. As an independent worker I find that there is never enough time in the day, while simultaneously, this is the exact atmosphere in which I thrive.
What were some of your favorite experiences as a grad student at Point Park?
I thoroughly enjoyed the program's curriculum, but overall I gained a great deal of respect for professors like Dr. Kraniou who demanded the most one could give as he gave equally as much. Looking back over all of my years in school, I believe the teacher matters as much (if not more) than the subject at hand. At Point Park I was pushed to go above what I thought I could produce which plays a large role in the capabilities I have today. From a totally different angle, my favorite experiences at Point Park were made while studying beside the fountain at PPG Place and/or in local coffee shops - drinking coffee, enjoying the outdoors, and learning new ideas were some of my favorite times.
What are your future career goals?
I would like to continue my career in the marketing and communications field while continuously striving to expand my knowledge of the business world. My position at American Bridge is diverse. One day I may be traveling at a job site wearing safety equipment and a hardhat, and the next I am in my office wearing business attire designing the quarterly newsletter or writing a press release. An immediate supervisor has such a great impact on your daily environment and on your professional growth. I always want to work for someone like Dr. Kraniou or my current boss - they - demand the best, reward you for your efforts, and work harder themselves.
What advice do you have for women pursuing leadership positions?
Strive to continually learn and take advantage of the opportunities all around you. Keep current with the changes and innovations within your field - go to that free seminar or workshop, volunteer a few times each month, be a part of a club within your major. Each action is an investment in your professional and personal growth, enabling you to gain useful knowledge that a classroom cannot teach. The contacts you meet along the way will influence your business tactics and could potentially serve as job leads, mentors, associates, or even future clients.
More About: success story, M.B.A., graduate programs, alumni