Meet Heike Steurer, M.B.A. Alum and Financial Analyst for Bayer Corporation Friday, July 20, 2012

Meet Heike Steurer
Job title: Financial Analyst and Certified Banker by the Chamber of Commerce in Leipzig, Germany
Employer: Bayer Corporation
Degrees earned: M.B.A., Point Park University; B.A., University of Applied Sciences in Dresden, Germany
M.B.A. concentration area: International Business
Graduation years: M.B.A. in 2012; B.A. in 2008
College activities and awards: Vice president of the Graduate Student Association, 2012 Outstanding Student Award
Hobbies/interests: Music, travel and culture, cooking, and volleyball
Hometown: Döbeln, Saxony, Germany
Now living in: Pittsburgh, Pa.
What made you choose Point Park University for graduate school?
Finding the right graduate program can be frustrating and tedious. While researching and comparing advanced degree options, I explored a variety of programs and found just what I was looking for in Point Park's M.B.A. program. The concentrations offered, the average class size, and flexibility of allowing me to complete the program at my own pace were especially appealing. I found the international business concentration to be a perfect match for me. I also liked the diverse and interesting range of topics available and that the class sizes were intimate, creating a more hands-on, productive atmosphere. Additionally, the accessible and convenient location of campus made it quite easy for me to balance work, home life, and school.
Why did you decide to pursue an M.B.A. degree?
The potential for professional advancement in my field certainly affected my decision, but it was not the only motivating factor. Fueled by my passion for learning, an M.B.A. was the logical next step for me. After a thorough assessment of schools in the area, I chose Point Park's M.B.A. program for its quality, depth of education, and flexibility.
How has your M.B.A. degree helped you in your position as a financial analyst?
My M.B.A. degree equipped me with the necessary technical and soft skills to achieve my professional goals. It has helped me to assess business and personal matters from a different perspective focusing on solving complex problems and challenging problems in innovative ways. I have assumed leadership responsibilities in my position, applying experiences gained through challenging group projects, particularly those in Dr. Kraniou's classes. These projects pushed me to not only focus on the end result, but also encouraged me to examine the capabilities and overall dynamics of my team and to find ways to work more effectively.
What were some of your favorite M.B.A. courses and why?
Without exaggerating, I can say that all of my M.B.A. courses were interesting and engaging. This is the result of a combination of fascinating subject matter and excellent instructors who helped to make the material come to life and offered their personal advice. Some of my favorite classes included the international economics and special topics classes with Dr. Kraniou, accounting with Dr. Maharaja, and the cultural and international business classes with Dr. Sidky.
What are your future career goals?
The future with all of its uncertainty can be a daunting prospect but with an open eye and mind turned toward interesting opportunities, and the tools I've acquired throughout my life and Point Park's M.B.A. program, the future of not only my career but of my life in general looks quite exciting. My M.B.A. degree will be instrumental in achieving the goals that I have set for myself — further advancement and development in the field of corporate finance and behavioral economics of organizations. I hope to be able to continue to devote time to research, and earn a Ph.D. in the near future.