Course Work Translates into Real-World Practice for 2014 On-Site MBA Graduate Friday, May 16, 2014

Meet Shannon J. Gregg
Job title: Director, Sales Operations
Employer: ERT
Degrees earned: MBA with a concentration in Management, Point Park University, 2014 and B.A. in English Literature, University of Pittsburgh, 1997
Hometown: Churchill, Pa.
Now living in: Dormont, Pa.
Hobbies/interests: I'm a voracious reader. I love listening to live music, and am impressed with Pittsburgh's growth in attracting diverse musical acts. I am a certified safety judge for competitive cheerleading and have even judged internationally.
Why did you decide to be a part of Point Park's MBA on-site program?
When we initially researched the idea of Point Park's on-site MBA program for invivodata/ERT, we considered many things: reputation/ranking, cost and current enrollment. The faculty and staff ultimately became the pivot point for us; Point Park's team was incredibly helpful in facilitating our cohort's launch into on-site learning.
What did you enjoy most about the program?
The ability to learn with co-workers is amazing and the benefits can simply not be overstated. Being able to work in real time on current work issues with what we were learning in class was simply phenomenal. We had brilliant professors who were agile about their syllabi. For example, one of the professors changed the rhythm of his class away from a mathematic calculator into using primarily Excel since that's the reality of our company. It was fantastic because we learned academic ideas but were able to instantly translate them into real-world practice.
In what ways has your MBA degree benefited you as director of sales operations?
My MBA has already started to benefit me - and my work! Taking an academic approach to real-life problems has given me a new perspective on our daily operations. I love independent study, and consider myself a life-long learner, but I was naturally focusing on reading books and seeking out mentors in sales and management. The courses I took in more quantitative subjects have already given me a more holistic view on business in general, and will certainly prove valuable as I continue on a path of business management.
What are your career goals?
ERT is such a fantastic fit for me! Our sales operations department is fairly new, and as ERT continues to experience revenue growth, I envision our department becoming more robust to support that growth. I'm working closely with many of our executives in my role, and plan on using my formal learning via my MBA and my on-the-job learning with my mentors to continue to grow my role. I take the growth of my team very seriously. I consider it a success when each team member meets his or her own individual professional and career development goals.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
If you're considering an MBA, stop thinking and just do it! I actually worked full time and had my first baby while enrolled in the program. The course work was challenging but manageable. Maintaining a commitment to lifelong learning is a method of success; you're never too old or busy to start! Point Park really understands the needs of the adult learner - the faculty and staff were always immediately available, and the course work was always directly focused on enhancing our growth as business professionals.
More About: Rowland School of Business, M.B.A., success story, alumni, on-site M.B.A.