Professor Talbott Continues Her Research on Women at Mid-Life Experiencing Eating Disorders Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dr. Talbott is available to discuss eating disorders and her research via email at or phone at 412-729-2692. For more information, visit her Oya-Pathfinding™ website.
"Women throughout their phases of life must realize that they are not alone as they age. As they grow, they can do so with grace, with vibrancy and with gratitude.”
Building on her research in cultivating care for older women living with eating disorders, Jamesena Talbott, Ph.D., DM, NCC, Point Park University professor of leadership and community engagement, is serving as a research fellow for the Institute for Social Innovation in Santa Barbara, Calif.
Talbott’s latest heuristic study, “Women at Mid-life Experiencing Eating Disorders: Discovery, Recovery and Beyond,” seeks to illuminate how women over 40 who have had eating disorders have managed their process of recovery and adoption of contemplative practices.
“Women 40-plus experience unique challenges and life transitions. Within the mosaic of aging and the psycho-emotive and physical toll of stress, anxiety and concomitant behavioral dynamics, space must be created to cultivate insight, awareness, new and diverse socio-professional and healing connections encouraged and supported by a circle of care. This includes mental and behavioral health specialists, alongside allopathic, as well as complementary and alternative health care professionals,” Talbott explained.
Talbott added: “Contemplative practices cultivate compassion, honest self-reflection, stress reduction, wisdom and resiliency. Women throughout their phases of life must realize that they are not alone as they age. As they grow, they can do so with grace, with vibrancy and with gratitude.”
In addition to earning a Ph.D. in human development and a doctor of management in organizational leadership, Talbott is a certified counselor recognized by the National Board for Certified Counselors in the United States. She is also a member of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society under the Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education and a professional member of The Center for Mindful Eating™.
Having lived most of her adult life within the spectrum of eating disorders, Talbott has undertaken this area of research and taken the pledge supporting Health at Every Size® and the work of the Association for Size Diversity and Health.
She earned certificates as a Creating Health Educator and in the Fundamentals of NeuroLeadership. Talbott is an associate member of the CMM Institute for Personal and Social Evolution and a member of the International Leadership Association, with focus areas including the Women’s Affinity Group, leadership development, leadership scholarship and public administration. She is also a member of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation.