Students in Human Nutrition Class Visit Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank Monday, June 30, 2014

Back row: Mary Smiley, Barbie Theis, Hilary Albert, Claire Hawkins,
Stephanie Amandola, Jesse Sharrod and Angela Robinet. Front
row: Chloe Callison, Beth Randles and Nia Clasablanca.
Students who took the Human Nutrition class this spring with Diane Krill, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences, visited the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank as part of their service and learning project.
During their visit, the students learned about nutritional challenges the organization faces as well as the logistics of distributing food throughout the Western Pennsylvania region.
Following a tour of the facility and a question and answer session with Food Bank nutritionist Jesse Sharrod, the Point Park students assisted Food Bank staff with packing items for distribution.
Stephanie Amendola, a senior health services major who went on the trip, said she chose to pursue a career in the public health field because of her to desire to help people in different ways other than medical.
"Keeping people aware of health issues around them is very important," she remarked.
Amendola's career goal is to work for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"We learned about the food needs in Western Pennsylvania and the process of meeting those needs. I was amazed at the size and scope of the program. The Food Bank is a well-organized, modern facility and we had a very rewarding experience," said Krill.
More About: Downtown Pittsburgh, health services, biology, faculty, student trips