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Pictured is forensic science student Gillian Stinson.

Meet Gillian Stinson

Job Title & Employer
Public Safety Aide, Ocean City Police Department
Forensic Science

Biological sciences and chemistry

April 2019
College Activities
Forensic Science Club and Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society
Phoenixville, Pa.
High School
Phoenixville Area High School
Now Living In
Ocean City, Md. (for the summer)
Dream Job
Criminal investigator
Hobbies & Interests
Art, music and gaming

"What made Point Park stand out to me was the location in the heart of Downtown Pittsburgh. The forensic science program offers hands-on experience in the crime scene house. Also, the knowledge and experiences of Dr. Edward Stimlan were too great to pass up."

Gillian Stinson

How did you land your position with the Ocean City Police Department?

Mindy Vivio, Jordan Cook-Henry and I attended the WestPACS Job Fair last fall and spoke with Ocean City Police Department recruiters there. We signed up and attended a testing and interview session in the winter. After passing that process, we got a conditional offer and went through a background investigation after which we were cleared and received a final offer.

Why did you choose Point Park University to study forensic science? 

What made Point Park stand out to me was the location in the heart of Downtown Pittsburgh. The forensic science program offers hands-on experience in the crime scene house. Also, the knowledge and experiences of Dr. Edward Strimlan were too great to pass up.  

How have your Point Park classes helped you in this summer position? 

The forensic evidence courses have helped me the most. What we learned about fingerprinting and drugs has been the most helpful this summer. It helps to have a familiarity with something when you apply it for real in the workplace. 

What are you looking forward to most when you return to Point Park in the fall? 

Since I'll be a senior this year, I'm looking forward to having a great time and learning as much as I can before graduating in the spring! 

What are your career goals?

I'm interested in joining the army after graduation in the hopes of working under criminal investigations. Beyond that, I'm looking to work in law enforcement. I think that the experiences and knowledge I'll have through my forensic science degree will prove helpful and valuable not only to me, but my future employers.

Connect with Gillian Stinson