Class Project Leads to Job for Mechanical Engineering Technology Student Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet Rob Fausnaught
Job title and employer: Automation Engineer, Eaton Corp.
Currently pursuing: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Expected graduation: December 2011
Hometown and current residence: Finleyville, Pa.
What inspired you to study the field of mechanical engineering technology?
I was an automotive mechanic for seven years when I decided that I wanted to change my career path. After evaluating all of my options, mechanical engineering technology seemed like the most logical field to study. My background of problem solving in addition to my day-to-day dealings with machinery influenced me toward pursuing this route.
Why did you choose Point Park?
I knew that Point Park had a reputable engineering program that caters to non-traditional students like myself. The wide variety of courses available in the evenings, along with the convenient location made the decision pretty easy.
How did you land your current engineering job with Eaton Corp.?
Last year, I was part of a senior design team that worked with Eaton to showcase their variable frequency drive system. During my time spent working on the senior design project, I gained valuable insight into Eaton Corp. That experience also introduced me to several contacts, including employees who are both current and former Point Park engineering students. The next thing I knew, someone was pointing out a job opening they thought I would be a perfect candidate for, and the rest is history.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
The people and the work environment are great. Each day there have been new opportunities presented to expand my knowledge. So far it has been a very refreshing change. With Eaton, there are so many possibilities in which I can further my career within the company.
What's next for you after graduation?
I plan on taking the next year off to enjoy my family and have some fun. After that, I would like to pursue a master's degree.
What advice do you have for students entering Point Park's mechanical engineering technology program?
It has taken me eight years of attending school part-time in order to finish my bachelor's degree. The best advice I have is to "stay focused!" I am lucky to have a great wife and family who have supported me every step of the way and have truly made this change possible.
How would you describe your experience at Point Park?
It was hard starting college so long after graduating from high school, but it's been worth it. I have made some great friends, had some good times and have earned a valuable education along the way. If I had the choice, I would do it all over again.