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Pictured is award-winning poet Eduardo Corral. | Photo by J.W. Stovall

Point Park University's School of Arts and Sciences welcomes award-winning poet Eduardo C. Corral, winner of the 2012 Yale Series of Younger Poets competition and recipient of a Whiting Writers' Award, as part of its continuing Writers' Series events.

Corral will read from his first book of poetry Slow Lightning on Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m. The event will be held in the Lawrence Hall Ballroom on the Point Park campus and is free and open to the public.

Born in Casa Grande, Ariz., Corral holds degrees from Arizona State University and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2012, Beloit Poetry Journal, Huizache, Jubilat, New England Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, Poetry Northwest, and Quarterly West. His work has been honored with a "Discovery"/The Nation Award, the J. Howard and Barbara M. J. Wood Prize for Poetry, and writing residencies to the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo.

He has served as the Olive B. O'Connor Fellow in Creative Writing at Colgate University and as the Philip Roth Resident in Creative Writing at Bucknell University. Slow Lightning, his first book of poems, was selected by Carl Phillips as the 2011 winner of the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition. In addition to the Whiting Writers' Award and Yale Series of Younger Poets, Corral has also been recognized with a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship.

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  • English/Creative Writing program
  • Department of Humanities and Human Sciences
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He currently lives in New York City and teaches at Columbia University.

The Point Park Writers' Series presents public lectures and readings throughout the academic year. Previous guest lecturers have included poets Sandra Beasley and Mary Biddinger and prose writers Brigid Pasulka and David McGlynn.

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For more information, contact Sarah Perrier, Ph.D., assistant professor of English, at or 412-392-8184 or Kris Julian in the Department of Humanities and Human Sciences, at or 412-392-3480.
