National Criminal Justice Honor Society Alpha Phi Sigma Welcomes 20 New Members Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Nineteen new students, along with Andrew Richards, M.A., lecturer and coordinator of the undergraduate criminal justice program, were inducted March 27 into Alpha Phi Sigma, the nation’s only accredited criminal justice honor society comprised of students, faculty and law enforcement professionals.
According to Richard Linzer, J.D., associate professor and director of the M.S. in criminal justice administration program, membership in Alpha Phi Sigma represents not only recognition of past exemplary conduct and academic achievement, but also emphasizes future achievements.
“Membership also serves as an inspiration to achieve the four ideals of the criminal justice honorary: academic excellence, leadership, service and unity in the profession,” Linzer said.
The 19 students honored were:

- Gabrielle Renee Bergstedt
- Jordan Michele Cook-Henry
- Rachelle A. Conner
- Rickea Louise Cox
- Laura Rose D’Alessandris
- Marissa Hunter Hart
- Emily R. Hetz
- Alexis Nicole McCoy
- Maxwell Grayson Namey
- Kemi Olugbakinro
- Kieran Phoenix
- Markesha Toni Proctor
- Jared Ross
- Alexis Saunders
- Rachel Scott
- Alyssa Judith Shanahan
- Gillian Stinson
- Clarence Rachel Recto Villanueva
- Mindy Vivio
In addition to gaining access to scholarships, awards, grants, networking, interviewing tips and job postings, membership also fulfills a GS 7-level requirement for federal service employment.
Linzer added: “To be able to list Alpha Phi Sigma membership on your resume tells prospective employers that you are capable of performing superior level work.”
Hear From the Students
What did being inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma mean to you?
“The experience of being inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma was amazing and honorable. It has been a goal of mine to be inducted since freshman year and I am very proud to see it become a reality." — Kieran Phoenix, junior criminal justice major, St. Kevins College High School, Dublin, Ireland
“Being inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma was a great experience! I’m so passionate about the field of criminal justice and to be recognized for my work is a huge deal. I couldn’t be more excited to represent this honor society.”— Rachel Scott, senior criminal justice major, Urban Pathways Charter School, Pittsburgh, Pa.
“I am honored to be a part of this honor society. This recognition and honor gives me more of a reason to continue to work hard and succeed at everything I do in order to go far in my career.”— Alyssa Shanahan, junior forensic science major, Baldwin High School, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Why Point Park?
Phoenix: “I am attending Point Park on an athletic scholarship for golf and soccer. When I toured the campus and learned about the criminal justice program, I knew right away I wanted this to be my number one choice. The Downtown campus is very unique and I love the small class sizes and the one-on-one time professors can give to you.”
Scott: “I chose Point Park because it is a small private school and there is a wonderful interaction between students and professors. Most importantly, I had great interest in the criminal justice program. Point Park’s faculty have been extremely helpful by presenting me with numerous opportunities to reach my goals. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything else.”
Shanahan: “I heard Point Park had a great forensic science program and the location allowed me to live at home and continue to work. I hope to get a job working in forensics, biology or chemistry. Point Park is helping me reach that goal by offering a variety of science courses and providing me with the laboratory space and equipment needed to carry out experiments.”
Photos submitted by students Jordan Cook-Henry, Alexis Saunders and Clarence Rachel Recto Villanueva