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Pictured is biological sciences student Caitlin Borghini.

Meet Caitlin Borghini

Biological Sciences

Environmental science (concentration)

December 2020
Eberly Family Scholarship and J. Matthew Simon Scholarship
Krakow, Poland
High School
Mainland High School
Now Living In
McKees Rocks, Pa.
Dream Job
My dream job would be to work for Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., as an environmental consultant providing solutions for a variety of markets.
Hobbies & Interests
Hiking and exploring parks and the city with my two dogs

"I was impressed with Ms. Borghini’s application for our 36-hour Wetland Delineation Scholarship. Her grades in courses such as Botany, Biology, Environmental Science — and the always challenging Organic Chemistry — were very good. Point Park University’s biological sciences program has provided Caitlin with the tools and resources to excel in often challenging courses. A college or university should be a springboard for a student’s path forward to professional success. Moreover, students need to be made aware of opportunities and how their education and hard work can result in internships and future employment. This is the confidence that our future young professionals seek and this is what Dr. Matthew Opdyke and Point Park University are currently providing."

Adam Gailey, MS, PWS, president and lead scientist, Gailey Environmental, LLC

"Professors such as Dr. Opdyke and Dr. Frost push their students to apply principles learned in class to concepts going on in the world. This has furthered my interests into different branches of the science field. Also, going to a creative arts school like Point Park has required me to take a break from being consumed in science. It has been a delight to explore my creative writing side and photography."

Caitlin Borghini

How did you earn a scholarship from Gailey Environmental, LLC?

As a biological sciences student, I exemplified a passion for science and learning. I was able to demonstrate my academic success through my coursework in the biology program.

After meeting with Adam Gailey from Gailey Environmental, LLC, and listening to his presentation about his company and the business of environmental consulting, I grew confident I'm on the right career path. Gailey Environmental, LLC, offers training courses in wetland delineation and I knew it would be an amazing opportunity to expand my knowledge and learn a marketable skill to add to my resume. I wrote to Gailey Environmental, LLC, explaining how I would utilize this opportunity and how I was a great match for the training course.

Dr. Opdyke, professor of environmental science and director of the master's in environmental studies program, vouched for my academic success and recommended me for the training courses in a letter to Gailey Environmental, LLC. I was inspired by Adam Gailey’s journey through his career and really tried to show how much I wanted to build upon my education and skillsets with this scholarship opportunity. 

Tell us about your wetland delineation training courses.

Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the in-person training courses had to be postponed. However, Gailey Environmental, LLC, reached out to me and offered an additional online eight-hour delineation course. It was a fantastic introduction to delineations and I believe I will be well-informed going into the 36-hour delineation course in September.

The 36-hour delineation training Course is taught consistent with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual and in accordance with the USACE Regional Supplement for wetland delineations. A professional wetland scientist will provide class and field time to discuss wetland hydrology, hydric soil indicators, vegetation identification and proper completion of a Wetland Determination Data Form. All of these learned skills will build an excellent foundation for my future endeavors. 

What factors made you choose Point Park University’s biological sciences program?

I always had an intense interest in biology and Earth sciences. I was initially enrolled in the biology program at the Community College of Allegheny County following my move back to Pittsburgh from Florida. Times got tough and I had to leave school and started a career in hospitality management. However, I felt so unfilled in my job and still held the desire to make an impact in the environment. I decided to transfer my college credits to Point Park since their biology program fit in with what I was trying to get out of an education.

How have our faculty impact you?

The professors I have interacted with have done a great job in incorporating real-life scenarios into coursework. I know that when I leave the classroom, I will have the necessary knowledge to connect the dots and be successful in future studies.

Dr. Opdyke has been very supportive and thorough in class and helping me to plan my future beyond my undergraduate studies. Professors such as Dr. Opdyke and Dr. Frost push their students to apply principles learned in class to concepts going on in the world. This has furthered my interests into different branches of the science field. Also, going to a creative arts school like Point Park has required me to take a break from being consumed in science. It has been a delight to explore my creative writing side and photography. 

What are your career goals?

I have thought about what I want to do when I grow up for years. It has been too many years and now I am grown up. I have always wished I could save the environment and protect all the trees and preserve our water ways, but I am not a superhero.

However, I can work with companies and clients to help find solutions for ecological/environmental needs. As I finish up my last semester of undergraduate studies, I am looking into different companies and employers and learning anything I can about them such as what skills are needed, what each company specializes in, etc.

Environmental consultation is in complete alignment with how I want to use my knowledge and skillsets. It is a great field for me because it connects Earth sciences to societal issues. Also, receiving this scholarship was important to me. This training course will provide me with the skills and knowledge that could take years to comprehend in the field — and now I will have that going into my first job. Gailey Environmental, LLC, saw potential in me by giving me this opportunity. Adding this to my resume will show future consultant employers that I have potential and would be a great addition to any team.

Connect with Caitlin Borghini