People of Point Park: Nicole Martin, '96, '08, '14, Blooming Where You Are Planted
Spring 2021
Alumni Spotlight
Name: Nicole Martin
Hometown: Norvelt, PA
Now living in: Greensburg, PA
Job title: Director, Enrollment Operations
Employer: Point Park University
Degrees earned: Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication with a concentration on Advertising in 1996, Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership in 2008, and Master of Arts in Curriculum & Instruction, degree conferred in 2014.
Campus activities and awards: President, Advertising Club, Honors Society Member
Describe Point Park in one word: Opportunity
Goal. Set. Go.
Nicole Martin knew that studying advertising in college was her primary goal and that Point Park University was the perfect fit for that dream.
“That's the only school I applied to. They gave me a scholarship and eventually I was attending Point Park. When you come in the door, you're given a guide. And there's not one thing I would change about my experience at Point Park.”
She became aware of Point Park’s programs through a University of Pittsburgh recruiter who came to her high school. At the time, Pitt did not have the advertising program Nicole wanted, so she focused on Point Park after seeing they had the programs she wanted to study. Nicole registered to attend Point Park and earn her degree in Journalism and Mass Communications with a focus in Advertising.
Finding a Way to Engage
Nicole was a commuter all four years at Point Park. But she found it easy to stay engaged throughout her college years by joining as many clubs and organizations as she could fit into her schedule.
“I do regret not having that on-campus [living] experience. But I made up for it by joining every club I could get my hands on.”
Nicole joined the PRSSA, became president of the Advertising Club, and was a member of the Honors Society. These clubs not only allowed her to connect and engage with a network of professionals but also her involvement helped to grow and expand her horizons.
“As president of the Advertising Club, I had to speak out, reach out, and speak to professionals. It gave me the tools to help better my own communication skills.”
Joining a variety of organizations also gave Nicole networking experience and connections that benefitted her immensely.
“We did ‘Pizza with a Professional’ where we invited a ton of advertising professionals from Pittsburgh to talk to the students. I know they still try to do that. It was very successful and basically gave you a real-world example of how your life will be after school. It's not all you think it will be. You have to build. It takes time.”
These opportunities and experiences provided her with real-world skills and confidence that aided her own career progression.
A Foot in the Door
During her time at school, Nicole also took advantage of the work-study program, which helped her get her foot in the door and led her to the career she has now. But it wasn’t until after graduation in 1994 and her first job at a stock exchange company, that she realized her career path would guide her back to Point Park.
“In July that year the administrative assistant quit, and I came back as only a part-time temporary. But I proved myself; I liked the job and had the marketing aspects that I could build upon. My title was Administrative Assistant, and I morphed into a Communication Specialist for the Graduate Adult Office.”
Now the Director of Enrollment Operations, Nicole plays an integral part of the Point Park University community. From starting out as a work-study student and keeping close ties to Point Park, Nicole used her skills and adaptability to enhance her own career opportunities through the university.
“My job itself is to provide the support mechanisms for the admissions offices. I would say in a nutshell, my job is in support of all new student admissions.”
Opportunities Keep Knocking
Nicole’s journey at Point Park didn’t stop after graduation, and she continued her education at Point Park while she was still a staff member.
“I came back and got my first Master's in 2008 was Organizational Leadership. If you don't learn how to grow, you get stagnant. So, I got my second Master's in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Adult Learning and Training.”
Nicole believes the connections made at Point Park will always offer a variety of opportunities. By keeping goals in mind, making connections, and working hard, any Point Park community member can engage and thrive in their chosen career paths.
“Today’s friend is tomorrow’s job.”
Endless Opportunities
The enrollment process, from Nicole's perspective, is much like finding your chosen career. It's important to explore and engage throughout the process to learn and make the best decision.
For her role as the Director of Enrollment Operations, Nicole recognizes the importance of exploration and engagement in the process of enrolling in college.
“Explore all avenues. Come and see us. Meet with us. Meet the professors who you’ll be spending most of your time with.”
Nicole hopes that all future and current students take advantage of the opportunities offered on campus through clubs and organizations. She recognizes that the lessons she learned at Point Park through friends, faculty, and staff helped her advance her career.
“I think back on and the relationships that I formed with the students because we spent so much time together doing the Ad Club competition. We're really close-knit group, and even the groups that came after us, would reach out to us for help.”
She knows that everyone at Point Park can have the same experiences if they reach out and take them.
“Get involved. Go to all functions you can. Whatever stage you’re at, connect. Connect with people who will give you more connections.”
More About: alumni, School of Communication, Alumni Association Board, PRSSA, Honors Society, MA Organizational Leadership, MA Curriculum and Instruction