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Contact the Office of Admissions at 412-392-3430 or via e-mail at if you have additional questions that are not answered here.
  • No application fee if applying online
  • No application deadline
  • No early admissions
  • No separate application for scholarship consideration
  • No separate form for guidance counselors or recommendation letters
  • No tuition cost differential for out-of-state students
  • Financial Aid school code: 003357
  • SAT school code: 2676
  • ACT school code: 3530

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes. Once you are a current student and you've completed your freshman year or have completed one semester as an incoming transfer student, you can declare an additional major or minor which is coordinated through your academic advisor. Students can double major or minor in any program (cinema production is NOT available as a minor) offered by the University. Students wishing to double major or minor in dance or theatre must audition for artistic acceptance into the program. Visit Auditions and Interviews to learn more.

No. Recommendation letters are not required, and there is not a separate form provided or required for recommendation letters.

Visit Application and Admissions Requirements for specific details and information.

Yes. SATs and/or ACTs printed on an official high school transcript are accepted and considered official.

Yes. Mail all required application supporting documentation to: Point Park University, Office of Admissions, 201 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. If you hand-deliver these documents, it must be in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution(s).

The Office of Admissions hosts several on-campus events throughout the academic year including four Open House programs. Register online to attend an Open House. If you are unable to attend an on-campus event, submit an appointment request form. Or, contact the Office of Admissions at 412-392-3430 to schedule your one-on-one individual appointment.

Once all official transcripts and/or official test scores are received, your file is reviewed, an admissions decision is made, and you will have your admissions decision in about 10 to 15 working days.

Once you have been academically accepted to the University and have submitted your $350 tuition deposit, you will receive an e-mail containing instructions and a tutorial of how to register online for your classes. Spring semester students can register online for classes starting December 1. Fall semester students can register online for classes starting April 15. E-mails notifications are sent only to applicants that have submitted their $350 tuition deposit.

Once you have committed to attended Point Park via the submission of your non-refundable $350 tuition deposit and have registered online for classes, the University's Center for Information Technology Services will send you your Point Park e-mail address and user account. Accounts are generated on the 15th of each month beginning June 15.

Transfer Applicant Questions

Once we receive your application for admission and official transcript(s), an official evaluation of your credits will be completed. This ensures that you receive the maximum transfer credits. Our transfer agreements with area institutions means that their classes meet our requirements for credit transfer. An unofficial evaluation of your credits can be completed as well. Schedule an appointment with the Office of Admissions and bring a photocopy of your transcript(s). An admission counselor will then assess the approximate number of credits that will transfer into your academic program of interest. Visit Transfer Options to learn more.

No. Point Park does not require a minimum number of credits to be eligible to transfer.

Twelve (12) transferable credits is typically the number of credits that considers a student a transfer applicant. Visit Transfer Options to learn more.

Students transferring from a two-year institution can transfer a maximum of 70 credits. Students transferring from a four-year institution who have taken 300- and/or 400-level classes can transfer a maximum of 90 credits. Visit Transfer Options to learn more.

Our Capstone programs are designed specifically for students who've completed an associate degree and want to earn a bachelor degree. Acceptance into one of these programs guarantees that 60 transfer credits will be applied to your four-year degree. Visit Degree Completion Programs to learn more.

Financial Aid, Scholarships and Tuition Costs Questions

Approximately 93 percent of Point Park students receive financial aid. The application process begins January 1 and the Office of Financial Aid has an April 15 priority deadline. Point Park recommends completing your federal income taxes before completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).However, if you need to complete your FAFSA before completing your taxes, you can estimate your income information. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form can be completed online at

The deadline for eligibility for the Pennsylvania State Grant is May 1.

Point Park's financial aid school code is 003357.

No. All applicants are automatically considered for scholarships if they meet the stated eligibility requirements. Visit the Scholarships page to learn more about eligibility criteria.

Point Park is a private institution. There is not a tuition cost differential for out-of-state students.

Conservatory Applicant Questions

Yes. Applicants must audition and be artistically accepted into the dance or theatre program in addition to being academically accepted into the University. Visit Conservatory Requirements to learn more.

Yes, a portfolio submission is required. Your portfolio can comprise of anything creative, e.g., music, poetry, art, etc. It is not limited to film or video. Visit Portfolio and Interview Guidelines for additional information.

An interview is required for admittance into the Stage Management and Technical Theatre . The interview is scheduled by completing and submitting an interview registration form. Visit Conservatory Requirements to learn more.

ROTC Program Questions

The Army ROTC program is open on a voluntary basis to all students at Point Park through a cross-registration agreement with Duquesne University. Further information may be obtained by contacting Staff Sergeant James L. Everly at 412-496-7336 or more about the ROTC.

The Air Force ROTC program is open to all full-time Point Park students who are U.S. citizens or are eligible for citizenship through a cross-registration agreement with the University of Pittsburgh. Please contact Captain Carter, Unit Admissions Officer in the Air Force ROTC office at the University of Pittsburgh at (412) 624-6358 or via e-mail at Learn more about the ROTC.