"'Hustle for a Hearing': the Role for Rhetoric of Science in Communicating Scientific Risk, POROI, a Journal of Theoretical Analysis and Invention, February 2012 (8): 1.
"In the Shadows of Giant, Three Founding 'Matriarchs' of Mass Communication Studies," Communication Theory, February 2012 (22): 4.
"Can Commercials Make You Fat? The USDA, FTC, and FCC as Public Relations Masters of the American Diet," In process, The Atlantic Monthly, 2011.
"Vietnam's Internet Pornography 'Epidemic': Vietnamese News Outlets Go 'Hard Core' for Online Entrepreneurs," Under review by International Journal of Communication, 2011.
Selected Presentations
"Three Founding Matriarchs of Communication," Humanities Scholar of the Year Award Ceremony, 2011.
"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The Political Economy of High Fructose Corn Syrup," National Communication Association, 2010.
"The History of High Fructose Corn Syrup Media Discourse," Union for Democratic Communication annual meeting, 2010.
"New Assistive Technologies: Insights from Focus Groups with Stakeholders in Long-Term Care," Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology, National Communication Association, 2009.
Selected Awards and Honors
Scholar of the Year, Humanities Division, Wilson College, 2011
Donald Bletz Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, Wilson College, 2011
Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching, International Communication Association, 2003