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Meet our undergraduate and graduate full-time faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences at Point Park University.

School of Arts and Sciences Interim Dean

  • Matthew Pascal, Ph.D., professor of mathematics and interim dean of the School of Arts and Sciences

Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies Full-Time Faculty

  • Edward Strimlan, M.D., professor and coordinator of the forensic science program and chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies
  • Richard A. Linzer, J.D., professor of criminal justice 
  • Sean Elliot Martin, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice and intelligence studies and chair of the School of Continuing & Professional Studies
  • Andrew Richards, M.A., lecturer of criminal justice
  • Christine Secilia, Ed.D., lecturer and coordinator of the undergraduate criminal justice program 
  • Mark Wintz, Ph.D., associate professor of intelligence and national security

Literature, Culture, and Society Full-Time Faculty

  • Chris Girman, Ph.D., J.D., associate professor of English 
  • Marion Dixon, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology and coordinator of interdisciplinary studies and international studies
  • Karen Dwyer, Ph.D., professor of English and coordinator of the literature and creative writing programs
  • Kirstin Hanley, Ph.D., associate professor of composition and rhetoric, director of the composition program and chair of the Department of Literature, Culture, and Society
  • J. Dwight Hines, Ph.D., professor of literary arts and social justice
  • Dora Ion, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science and coordinator of the history, political science and legal studies programs
  • Helena Knörr, Ph.D., professor of organizational leadership
  • Jessica McCort, Ph.D., associate professor of composition and rhetoric and director of the Honors Program
  • Edward Meena, M.Ed., M.A., professor of history 
  • Robert Ross, Ph.D., professor of social justice studies and community engagement

Natural Sciences and Engineering Full-Time Faculty

  • Gregg Johnson, Ph.D., associate professor of electrical engineering 
  • Laura Frost, Ph.D., professor of biology, coordinator of biological sciences and pre-medical programs and interim chair of the Department of Natural Sciences and Engineering
  • Robert Garson, Ph.D., professor of civil engineering and civil engineering technology
  • Ryan Hoover, Ph.D., assistant professor of mechanical engineering
  • Donald Keller, Ph.D., professor of electrical engineering and coordinator of the electrical engineering program
  • Diane Krill, Ph.D., professor of biology
  • Yan Liu, Ph.D., P.E., associate professor and coordinator of the civil engineering program
  • Kristy Long, M.S., lecturer of natural sciences and engineering
  • Mark Marnich, Ed.D., professor of mathematics
  • Raju Mundru, Ph.D., associate professor of electrical engineering
  • Connor Murphy, Ph.D., lecturer, biological sciences
  • Aram Parsa, Ph.D., associate professor and coordinator of the mechanical engineering program
  • Matthew Pascal, Ph.D., professor of mathematics and interim dean of the School of Arts and Sciences

Psychology Full-Time Faculty

  • Sarah Schulz, Ph.D., LSW, associate professor of psychology, undergraduate behavioral sciences coordinator and chair of the Department of Psychology 
  • Rachel Battaglia, Psy.D., visiting assistant professor of psychology
  • Britney Brinkman, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and director of clinical training for the Psy.D. in clinical psychology program
  • Robert G. McInerney, Ph.D., professor of psychology and undergraduate coordinator of the psychology program
  • Bethany Aronson, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology and director of the M.A. in community psychology program
  • Jeremy Northup, Psy.D., assistant professor of psychology
  • Brent Dean Robbins, Ph.D., professor of psychology and director of the Psy.D. in clinical psychology program