Our Affiliation with LECOM

Admission Criteria for Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
A select group of qualified students who meet and maintain the following criteria through our pre-medical and health-related professions program are eligible to be considered for admission into LECOM's College of Osteopathic Medicine or School of Pharmacy.
Prospective students must:
- Be accepted to Point Park University as a full-time student;
- Have a combined SAT score (critical reading + math) of 1170 or better for the Medical 4+4: program; A combined score of 1240 is required on the SAT taken after March of 2016; For the Medical 3+4 program, an SAT of 1280 or higher (1340 on the new SAT) and a 28 on the ACT;
- Have a cumulative unweighted high school grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale, a 3.8 or higher unweighted high school GPA is required for the Medical 3+4 track; and
- Agree not to apply to another medical school's program while enrolled in the early acceptance program with LECOM.
Students who transferred are permitted provided that they have at least two full-time years remaining at Point Park.
Admission to LECOM is subject to the applicant meeting the following minimum criteria:
- Maintain a GPA of 3.4 or better at Point Park; and
- Maintain a GPA of 3.2 or better in science course work.
The MCAT is not required. A student will be evaluated based on the Academic Index Score (AIS). This combines the SAT or ACT with overall college GPA. An AIS of 115 is required for the 4+4 Medical track and a 123 AIS is required for the 3+4 track. For students who have the GPA qualifications but do not meet the AIS are permitted to the take the MCAT. If the MCAT is required, affiliated students are required to score in the 50th percentile or higher to keep their reserved seat.
About LECOM's Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree
The LECOM Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree program follows the osteopathic tradition of competent and compassionate whole-person health care that focuses on health education, injury and disease prevention. Point Park has an agreement with LECOM's 4+4 medical program.
4+4 Medical Program
The student applies to Point Park's premedical and preprofessional studies degree program. Once accepted and enrolled, the student receives an interview at LECOM. If accepted by LECOM, he or she attends Point Park for four years, receives a bachelor's degree and enters LECOM's medical school in the fall without the need for an additional interview. Upon completing four years of medical school, the student is awarded a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.
3+4 Medical Program
The student applies to Point Park's premedical and preprofessional studies degree program. Once accepted and enrolled, the student receives an interview at LECOM. If accepted by LECOM, he or she attends Point Park for three years, and enters LECOM's medical school without the need for an additional interview. The student's credits during their first year at LECOM will transfer to Point Park to satisfy the graduation requirements. Upon completing four years of medical school, the student is awarded a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.
LECOM offers a choice of the main campus in Erie, Pa., an additional site at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa. or a branch campus in Bradenton, Fla. LECOM also offers the choice of student-centered learning styles for medicine: lecture/discussion; problem-based learning; independent studies; a three-year Primary Care Scholars Pathway; and the Accelerated Physician Assistant Pathway.
Learn more about LECOM's Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.
About LECOM's Doctor of Pharmacy degree
The LECOM Doctor of Pharmacy degree program provides a solid background in patient-centered care and prepares its Pharm.D. graduates to become effective members of the health care team for all areas of practice. This program offers three pathway choices: a year-round, three-year curriculum in Erie, Pa., a four-year curriculum in Bradenton, Fla., and a four-year online Distance Education Pharm.D program, one of only two that are available in the United States.
A majority of the Distance Education pathway is taught through online courses using state-of-the-art synchronous and asynchronous technologies where students can learn at home on their computer. Students will be required to come to the Bradenton, Fla., campus each summer for between one and three weeks in order to fulfill the laboratory, casework and presentation portion of the curriculum.
The Doctor of Pharmacy program integrates science and hands-on practical experience. The professional program is structured around an outcomes-based curriculum where the integration of basic sciences, pharmacy practice and professional experiences is emphasized. Students are exposed to an early involvement with pharmacy practice experiences that provides valuable learning experiences for their future careers as pharmacists. This also allows a progressive development of students' professional communication skills, as well as a true appreciation of pharmaceutical care concepts. Strong emphasis is placed on professionalism and life-long learning.
Learn more about LECOM's Doctor of Pharmacy degree.