Alpha Phi Sigma National Honor Society

Alpha Phi Sigma is the nationally recognized honor society for criminal justice and forensic science students. This society recognizes academic excellence among undergraduates as well as graduate students in these programs.
To become a member of Point Park University's Eta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, students must have completed one third of their total credits required for graduation.
Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum 3.2 overall G.P.A. and a 3.2 G.P.A. in criminal justice and forensic science courses. The student must also rank in the top 35 percent of his or her classes and have completed a minimum of four courses within the criminal justice or forensic science curriculum. Alpha Phi Sigma is open to those with a declared criminal justice or forensic science major or minor.
Graduate students are required to maintain a minimum 3.4 G.P.A. in both criminal justice administration and overall courses. Students must have completed a minimum of four courses within the criminal justice curriculum.
Applications are available at the administrative office of the Department of Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies, located in 404 Academic Hall. Students may also obtain the application online at
Once the student has completed his or her sections on the application, the application should then be submitted to the Eta Alpha chapter advisor, Richard Linzer, J.D., who will verify the student's G.P.A., complete the advisor's section of the application form and submit it to the National Membership headquarters. There is a one-time fee of $50 that should be made payable to Alpha Phi Sigma in the form of a money order or cashier's check.
Induction Ceremony
In the spring of each year, Point Park University conducts an induction ceremony where new members are inducted into the Eta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma and receive a pin and certificate of membership. At the annual Point Park University Commencement Ceremony, undergraduates who are members of Alpha Phi Sigma wear the braided blue and gold honor cord and graduate students wear the blue and gold medallion. Honor society graduation regalia are presented to Alpha Phi Sigma members by the Department of Criminal Justice and Intelligence Studies.
Learn More
For questions or more information about Alpha Phi Sigma, contact Richard Linzer, J.D., associate professor of criminal justice and director of the M.S. in criminal justice administration program, at 412-392-3858 or