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Foods and Languages of the World 

Teachers: Amy Gigler, Kellie Meyer, Maura Zang
Project Children L.E.A.D. Director: Dr. Vincenne Revilla Beltran
Subject Area: Diversity, Language Arts/History
Grade level: Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 4-5)
Length of Lesson: 1 hour, Day 2 of 7

Learning Goals: The class will gain an understanding of traditional food and the language of Italy.


Day 2 

NAEYC Standards:

Building Positive Relationships Among Peers

1.20 Teachers support children's development of friendships and provide opportunities for children to play with and learn from each other.

Using Instruction to Deepen Children's Understanding and Build Their Skills and Knowledge

    1. Teachers use their knowledge of content to pose problems and ask questions to stimulate children's thinking. Teachers help children express their ideas and build on the meaning of their experiences. 

State Standards:

Communicate Ideas, Experiences and Feeling for a Variety of Purposes.

2.5 Initiate response appropriately in conversation and discussions with adults and children.

2.6 Use verbal and nonverbal language to communicate for a variety of purposes

2.8 Modulate voice volume and intonation


Objective: The students will be able to create their own pizzas and to speak some Italian words.






School Cafeteria or Toaster Oven





Adaptations to Differentiate Instruction: The students will be able to create their own pizzas with clay if they do not wish to make their own in the kitchen.


Procedure: "La Pizza"

  1. The class will be introduced to different types of food from Italy.

  2. The students will then be given paper and markers to create their own pizzas.

  3. They will share with the class the different types of pizzas that they made.

  4. The class will then go to the Cafeteria to make their own pizzas for lunch.

  5. The students will then be asked what they enjoyed most from this experience.


Key Experiences: Social Interaction, Fine Motor Skills, Large Motor Skills