Lesson 2: Early Pre-School (Ages 2-3) Families and Neighborhoods Lesson Series
Families and Neighborhoods
Teachers: Sara Conway, Barbara Geary, Joy Evans
Project Children L.E.A.D. Director: Dr. Vincenne Revilla Beltran
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade Level: Early Pre-School (Ages 2-3)
Length of Lesson: 60 mi>
I. Objective
We will appreciate all families.
We will discover that families are different.
Our classroom is our neighborhood too.
II. Pennsylvania Department of Education Indicators
Education Indicators
Curriculum guides teachers to incorporate content, concepts, and activities that foster aesthetic, cognitive, emotional, language, and physical. and/or social development and that integrate multiple disciplines.
2.63 Children are provided varied learning opportunities that foster positive
identity and an emerging sense of self and others.
2.64 A sense of community is developed within the classroom so each child
feels accepted and gains a sense of belonging.
2.75 Children provided varied opportunities and materials to build their
understanding of diversity in culture, family structure, ability, language,
age, and gender in non-stereotypical ways
III. High Scope Key Experiences.
Social Relations
Music and Movement
Language and Literacy
IV. Materials
Letter to parents asking for family, extended family and neighbor's photos for our bulletin board.
Large white paper and markers
Pictures of families
Musical Instruments
CD - Celebration of Country - Song 1 "Playin' in the Same Band"
F. The Family Book by Todd Parr
V. Procedure
Activity One
We will read "The Family Book" by Todd Parr and discuss families.
Activity Two
We will place our family photos on the bulletin board and tell everyone who
is in each picture. The teacher will facilitate questions. The bulletin board is in
housekeeping and we will refer to it often.
Activity Three
We will draw our families on white paper and display them.
Activity Four
We will dance and play our musical instruments to our CD.
VI. Evaluation
This was a very enjoyable lesson for the children. As they put their family and extended family pictures on the bulletin board the children were very excited to tell each other who the people were. A great deal of language was produced and the children got to see how different everyone's family was. Children went back to the board many times during the day to comment on the pictures. The board is in our housekeeping area and the children pass it often.