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Families and Neighborhoods -

Student Teachers: Bill Zbozny Del Percio & Veronica Haid
Project Children L.E.A.D. Director: Dr. Vincenne Revilla Beltran
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade Level: Kindergarten (Ages 5-6)
Length of Lesson: 60 minutes

Learning Objectives (Based on the Early Childhood Learning Continuum Indicators)

  1. K-1 1.6. Speaking and Listening - A- Listen to others when they are speaking and demonstrate understanding of the messages.

  2. K-1 1.6. Speaking and Listening - B-Listen to selections of literature.

  3. K-1 1.6. Speaking and Listening - C- Use correct vocabulary and word usage when speaking.

  4. K-1 1.6 Speaking and Listening. - D- Relate a real experience to a specified topic.

Materials- The book, Franklin's Neighborhood, by Sharon Jennings, paints and other paint supplies (brushes, smocks ect...), markers, Crayons, plain white paper (standard size), poster board (white), tape, glue.

Pictures of these things: Mailman, fireman, policeman, grocer, teacher, doctor, and a construction worker.

A giant (at least the size of a chalk board) mural of a neighborhood with these things in it: something that would represent each of the seven neighborhood helpers listed above and the four seasons should be shown on the mural.


  1. Read the story, Franklin's Neighborhood,by Sharon Jennings.

  2. After the story, ask the children if they know who the people in the pictures of the neighborhood helpers are.

  3. Next, have them tape the pictures to the mural, next to the place you would find them in real life. Ex: Have them place the doctor next to the doctor's office.

  4. After they have done number 3 have them paint/ draw a picture of their neighborhood on a piece of poster board.

  5. When they are done with their picture, have them tell the class something about their picture.

  6. After each child has told something about their neighborhood, ask some questions about what they and their families do in their neighborhood. If there is time, ask them what types of things you can do in each season and what type of clothes you would wear in each season.

  7. Now its time to have them stand up and get into a circle for the season's song. (The words are at the end of this lesson plan).

  8. While teaching the words to the song, have the children help make up movements to the song.

  9. After singing the song 2-3 times, have a few of the children go to the mural and point out which season is which.

  10. The last thing they need to do is paint/draw a picture of their family in their favorite weather on the standard width paper.

  11. When done with the family pictures help the children tape or glue their family picture to their neighborhood poster.


Evaluation Methods- The children will be evaluated by the activities done in this lesson plan. The neighborhood mural will show if they know where things in their neighborhood go. They will also be evaluated on the seasons and the weather when the teacher asks them questions about the seasons and the weather.

Modifications- Modifications to this lesson plan were made to incorporate one of the child's tendencies to get down and crawl on the floor. That is one of the reasons that the painting is done on the floor of the room; also this eliminates the trouble of keeping all the children sitting properly in their seats.



Jennings, Sharon (1999) . Franklin's Neighborhood. New York: Scholastic Inc.


The Season Song,

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

(to the tune of "This Old Man")

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all.

Weather changes, sun and rain and snow,
Leaves fall down and flowers grow.

Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
There are seasons, four in all.

Look outside and you will see
Just what season it will be!