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Assistant Professor

Pictured is Jennifer Scheier. Photo | Randall ColemanContact Information


  • Ph.D., Theatre Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • M.F.A., Theatre Arts (Stage Management), University of Iowa
  • B.A, History and Social Science, Eastern Connecticut State University

Courses Taught

  • Stage Management 1 
  • Professional Prep for Stage Managers 
  • AEA & Theatre Unions 


Dr. J is an AEA and opera stage manager, specializing in stage management history. As a stage manager, she splits her time between opera, dance and theatre, and is especially interested in new works and/or non-traditional theatre spaces. Her scholarly work analyzes the complex relationship between Actors' Equity Association and the stage management community, which has irrevocably altered the field of stage management and transformed U.S. stage management practices to be decidedly different than stage management in other parts of the world. She aims to draw attention to U.S. stage management history and bring much-needed context to present-day challenges so that contemporary stage managers can learn from past mistakes to better negotiate for the field.

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Memberships

  • Actors' Equity Association (AEA)
  • American Society of Theatre Research (ASTR)
  • Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)
  • Mid-American Theatre Conference (MATC)
  • Stage Managers' Association (SMA)
  • United Institute of Technical Theatre (USITT)

Selected Artistic Works

  • Collective New Works, Assistant Stage Manager, Opera Theatre of St. Louis 
  • Production Stage Manager (URTA contract), Illinois Shakespeare Festival
  • Numerous Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager (29-hr workshop contract and LORT) positions for several new works, La Jolla Playhouse
  • Paper Nautilus (new work), Production Stage Manager, Long Beach Opera, Long Beach Aquarium
  • King Gesar (new work), Production Stage Manager, Long Beach Opera, Henry Bridges Park
  • Tell-Tale Heart & Van Gogh (new work), Production Stage Manager, Long Beach Opera, Expo Arts Center
  • Carmen, Production Stage Manager, Knoxville Opera
  • In the Heights, Assistant Stage Manager, San Diego Rep (LORT)


  • Scheier, J. (Under contract) Historicizing U.S. Stage Management: A Collection of Essays on Historical Contextualization, Shifting Methodologies, and Changing Perspectives. FOCAL Press/Routledge: New York.

Book Chapter

  • Scheier, J. (2022) "Intersectional History: Stage Managers' in the Actors' Union," Off-Headset: Essays on Stage Management Life, Work and Career. FOCAL Press/Routledge: New York. 

Web-Based Publications

  • Scheier J. (2020) “YSM2020: Advocacy & Community.” Stage Directions Magazine, February.
  • Scheier J. (2020) “Defining Stage Management: A Glimpse of a Guidebook.” Stage Directions Magazine, January.
  • Scheier J. (2020) “YSM2020: 100 Years of Being Explicit.” Stage Directions Magazine, January.
  • Scheier J. (2019) “Finding Stage Management History.” Stage Directions Magazine, June.
  • Scheier J. (2019) “History of College Stage Management Courses? Not Yet!” Stage Directions Magazine, May.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Historical Calling Technology: Telephone Switchboards.” Stage Directions
    Magazine, September.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Historical Calling Technology: Cue Lights.” Stage Directions Magazine, Aug.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Historical Calling Technology: The Speaking Tube.” Stage Directions Magazine, July.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Historical Calling Technology: Bells, Whistles, Flags and Call Boys.” Stage
    Directions Magazine, April.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Stage Management Grievances in 1942.” Stage Directions Magazine, March.
  • Scheier J. (2018) “Murder Onstage: 20th Century Actress Kills Her SM Before Audience.” Stage Directions Magazine, February.
  • Scheier J. (2017) “Women in Stage Management: Revolutionizing History with Inclusion.” Stage Directions Magazine, December.
  • Scheier J. (2017) “A Crash Course in American Stage Management History.” Stage Directions Magazine, December.
  • Scheier J. (2017) “Why Study History of Stage Management?” Stage Directions Magazine, April.
  • Scheier J. (2017) “Why Stage Managers Are Included in the Actors’ Equity Association.” Stage Directions Magazine, January.

Invited Talks

  • "History of Stage Management," Stage Managers' Association, 2019.
  • "Introduction to Stage Management," Grand Valley State University, 2011.

Conference Presentations

Exhibits Curated

  • Scheier, J. (2022, March). “Stage Management Paperwork Through the Centuries.” Physical Exhibit. United States Institute of Technical Theatre Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  • Scheier, J. (2020, October). “Stage Management Paperwork Through the Centuries.” National Collaborators Conference, Virtual Conference.
  • Scheier, J. (2020, April). “Stage Management Paperwork Through the Centuries” United States Institute of Technical Theatre Conference, Virtual Conference.

Papers Presented

  • Scheier, J. (2022, July). “Curbing Stage and Production Management's Carbon Footprint with Digital Tools.” Association of Theatre in Higher Education, Detroit, MI.
  • Scheier, J. (2022, July). “Restorative Pedagogy to Redefine Stage Management, Revitalize its History, and Promote Equity in Stage Management Training Programs.” Association of Theatre in Higher Education, Detroit, MI.
  • Scheier, J. (2022, July). “Reimagining the Definition and Education of Stage Management for the Future We Want to Embody.” Association of Theatre in Higher Education, Detroit, MI.
  • Scheier, J. and Karyn Meek. (2022, May). “Revelations from the Study & Analysis of Stage Management.” Broadway Stage Management Symposium. Hybrid Conference.
  • Scheier, J. (2022, March). “History of Promptbook Making from the 1500s to Contemporary Digital Scripts” United States Institute of Technical Theatre Conference, Baltimore, MD.
  • Scheier, J. (2022, February). “Revolutionizing Stage Management Definitions through Historical Handbooks.” Mid-America Theatre Conference, Virtual Conference.
  • Scheier, J. (2021, October). “Professional Progress: Arbitrating Actors’ Equity Membership.”American Society for Theatre Research, San Diego, CA.
  • Scheier, J. (2020, November). “Professional Progress: Arbitrating Actors’ Equity Membership.” American Society for Theatre Research, Virtual Conference.
  • Scheier, J. (2020, October). “The History, The Art, The Act of Calling Cues.” National Collaborators Conference, Virtual Conference.
  • Scheier J. (2019, March). “Adapting to Inventions: The Stage Managers’ Journey through the Second Industrial Revolution.” Mid-America Theatre Conference, Cleveland, OH.
  • Scheier, J. (2018, October). “Bringing Darkness to Light: The Untold History of the American Stage Manager.” Research Live! Finalist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  • Scheier, J. (2017, April). “The Art and Act of Calling Cues: The American Audience Rejects AuralCueing.” University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate Student Theatre Conference, Madison, WI.