Sending Accommodation Letters to Faculty
Once you are registered with our office, there may be accommodations entered into your profile that you want to communicate to your professors. This is accomplished by simply logging into your profile to generate and send accommodation letters to your professors. This is an important step because until you send these your faculty will not know what accommodations you want to use (and are not expected or accountable to administer these accommodations). It should take only a couple of minutes to complete this process but following the steps below.
How to request accommodations in your classes
Once you complete this step, our accommodation management software will automatically generate and send these letters to the professors teaching the classes you are in. You will also get email confirmations (for your record) with copies of these letters for you to review with some relevant action items for you to complete depending on the nature of the accommodation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When do I need to send my accommodations?
It's your right to request eligible accommodations whenever you see fit (you are able to request, edit requests, explore new accommodations at any point). However, we recommend that all registered students log-in to complete this step at the beginning of the semester. This allows...
Do I need to meet with my access consultant to request these accommodations?
No you do not. You can send these by yourself and on your own time. Generally, you only need to meet with your access consultant if you are encountering different disability-related barriers and want to discuss new strategies. Additionally, because OAS also has the responsibility to explore the efficacy of eligible accommodations, your access consultant may reach out to discuss your current accommodations to see if any changes are possible or needed.Why wouldn't I send all of my accommodations to all my faculty for all my classes?
You can send whichever accommodations you want to any of your current faculty through your profile. However, only accommodations relevant to that class will be implemented. For example, if you're in a class that has no timed tests, quizzes, etc., then informing your professor about your testing accommodations isn't all that relevant.
Why doesn't my access consultant or OAS just request my accommodations for me at the beginning of the semester?
It's the right of any Disabled indiviudal to request elligible accommodations whenever they see fit. You should not feel pressured or forced to use an accommodation that you haven't directly said you want. Sending your accommodation letters is the easiest way to signal your professors and us what supports you want to use. It would undermine both the Interactive nature of our process and would not support our goal to foster your advocacy skills on campus (and beyond college) if we sent these without your consultation. However, we are always able to assist should you run into technical issues or while meeting live with your access consultant.