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Officers on bikes near Village ParkBike Registration - As a service to the University community, the University Police registers bicycles owned by students, faculty and staff members. Bicycle registrations are valid for five years. To register your bicycle, please contact the dispatch center at 412-392-3960. There is no charge for bicycle registration. Missing or stolen bicycles can be tracked by our officers through the bike registry database.

Call Boxes - Emergency boxes are installed at various campus locations. At the touch of the button, the police are on their way.

Campus Patrols - Campus police officers patrol University property and surrounding areas on foot, bicycle and vehicle, maintaining high visibility throughout the campus. Professional desk attendants guard all residence building entrances 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Closed Circuit Television - There are more than 500 CCTV cameras located throughout the campus. These cameras are placed inside the buildings as well as outside overlooking the campus. The cameras are monitored at the University Police dispatch center.

Disaster Planning and Response - Point Park has a comprehensive program for responding to disasters, whether they are natural or man-made. University Police has a fully equipped Emergency Operations Center, which would be utilized in the event of a disaster or other emergency situation. Each year the University conducts a disaster drill to ensure that the University is prepared in the event a disaster occurs. University police also train on a regular basis for responding to a variety of emergency situations.

Emergency Guide - The guides are posted throughout the campus, they provide a quick reference in the event of an emergency.

Escort Security Service - The Point Park University Police provides any student, faculty or staff a personal escort to his or her vehicle, residence hall or academic building 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Fire Drills - Fire drills are conducted in all campus building each semester.

Hall Meetings - The Point Park University Police attend residence hall meetings in order to communicate safety and security information to the resident students.

Identification (ID) Center - The ID Center, located on the 8th floor of Frontier Hall, issues all Point Park University identification cards. Students, faculty and staff are required to carry a University identification card at all times and present it upon request to University officials. The card must also be presented to check out books from the library, to gain admittance to athletic events and residence halls, and for participation in various student events.

Lock-out Services - Lockout services are provided university-wide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are locked out please call our Dispatch Center at 412-392-3960. A uniformed police officer will be dispatched to your location to provide this service.

Lost and Found - Lost items of value are turned into the University Police Dispatch Center. Items of lesser value are turned into the security desks at Academic Hall or University Center.

Mass Emergency Notification Systems (PointAlert) - PointAlert is Point Park's emergency notification system. Simultaneous email, text and voice messages are sent within minutes to thousands of students and employees through their email accounts, cell phones, PDAs, pagers, and landline phones. In addition Point Park can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter. These online systems are used especially in emergencies such as campus security situations, power outages and weather-related closings and delays.

Pedestrian Safety - Police officers work intersections during peak times to assist pedestrians.

Proactive Observation and Reporting - All safety committee members, physical plant staff, police officers as part of their daily activity, look for and report any safety hazards.

Property Identification - The Point Park University Police keeps on file, at a student's request, any documentation of personal valuable property items in the residence halls. Contact the department for more information.

Rape Prevention/ Date Rape Education - The Point Park University Police will provide instruction to all staff and students about rape prevention and date rape education. We will also give instruction about the type of drugs to watch out for and how alcohol can contribute to the problem. This program will be presented at the beginning of each semester and upon request.

Routine Life Safety Equipment Inspections - Physical Plant uses in-house personnel and outside contractors to regularly test, repair and upgrade all life safety systems.

Safety Advisories (Crime Alerts) - The Point Park University Police will send out a crime alert via email, alerting the community members of any criminal activity on campus or in the immediate area around the campus, or to address any other safety or security issues.

Safety Committee - The Safety Committee is made up of faculty and staff and is certified by the State of Pennsylvania. The Safety Committee is charged with the task to review, coordinate, evaluate, make recommendation and provide follow-up actions relative to an effective University Safety Program.

Safety Inspections - Once a semester the police department performs a safety inspection in each residence hall. During these safety inspections, many safety and security areas are addressed, which include but are not limited to: fire safety, electrical safety, lighting, fall prevention, and physical building security. In addition, each month the safety committee performs inspections of designated areas on the campus.

Sexual Harassment, Assault, Rape Prevention - The Point Park University Police Department offers SHARPS training to community members. To inquire about future SHARPS classes call university police at 412-392-3960.

Student Safety Brochure - These brochures not only provide information on what to do in the event of an emergency, but also offer tips for making your learning, working and living environment safer.

Safety Tips

  • Always be alert and aware of your surroundings and project a confident attitude.
  • All suspicious activity should be reported to the Police Dispatch Center at ext. 2222 or direct dial at 412-392-3960.
  • Timely and accurate reporting of information makes it easier to gather critical evidence and increase the odds of recovering stolen property and/or successfully apprehending and prosecuting criminals.
  • Avoid walking alone at night: walk with a group. If you must walk alone, please make sure to use well lighted paths and sidewalks and take the most direct route. Inform someone about your destination and your expected arrival and return times. Utilize the University Police escort program.
  • Keep your doors locked, and do not prop residence hall doors open. This is an invitation for trouble.
  • Report all maintenance problems in the residence halls (broken doors, locks, etc.) to Residence Life immediately.
  • Identify your valuables - record serial numbers of TVs, computers, etc. or engrave them.
  • Always secure your valuables and never leave items such as pocketbooks, wallets, keys and cell phones unattended even for brief periods of time.
  • Use designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossings to safely cross roadways.
  • Be aware of campus and local crime trends. You are your best protection - educate yourself.
  • Carry only necessary cash and credit cards, and avoid wearing expensive jewelry. However, always carry enough money for an emergency phone call or ride home.
  • TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! If someone on campus does not look right to you or makes you feel uneasy, get away fast! Immediately report him/her to the Point Park University Police Department.