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The Point
Fall 2013

Lighting designer Andy Ostrowski has been an adjunct faculty member for the past 14 years and in that time has mentored many Point Park lighting design students. Many students have had the opportunity to work alongside Ostrowski in his work at such cultural organizations as the Pittsburgh Opera, the Civic Light Opera and City Theatre Company. "It's an opportunity for them to have a taste of the real-world," says Ostrowski. "One of the great advantages that Point Park provides is the University's location in a major city with a wide variety of arts and culture." The personal attention that Conservatory students receive is another distinct advantage, he points out. "We are very connected to the students and keep in close touch with each of them. That kind of devotion is hard to find."

Diverse Experience

Finally, "another thing that Point Park provides is the opportunity to work on a wide variety of productions during the course of the year. That's a huge strength," says Ostrowski. "Students learn not only from faculty but also from the many outside professionals who come in to work on Playhouse productions." He says he appreciates the close collaboration between the lighting design team and other artists such as the scenic design team. According to recent graduate Lindsey Mayer, "Andy is my lighting design mentor. He taught me how to freelance. It's a hard reality to be birthed from protective bubble of college and find that the only person who will find you work is you. Andy prepared me for that. His success as a freelance lighting designer reassured me that it can be done, done well, and always with a lot of laughs. He and all of my mentors are my friends and colleagues who I look forward to working with for many years to come. And I know many of my classmates found these same relationships with other staff members of the Playhouse."

Text by Cheryl Valyo
Photo by Martha Rial
The Point is a mgazine for alumni and friends of Point Park University