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Point Park University operates a centralized purchasing department. As such, this department is responsible for the procurement of goods and services for all of the University's administrative and educational departments, including the Pittsburgh Playhouse.

Purchasing Principles

The University strives to purchase goods and services that are of the best value, which is defined as the optimum combination of quality and price. In order to obtain this value, we rely strongly on supplier expertise in their given commodity field. We also practice the doctrine of value analysis and, consequently, are receptive to supplier suggestions regarding potential areas for cost savings.

Authorization to Commit

In accordance with the University's policy of centralized purchasing, only the Contracts & Procurement Department is authorized to make commitments on behalf of the University for goods and services in excess of $2,000 per order. The University's policy is summarized as follows:
  • All formal Requests for Proposals and Requests for Quotations must be issued by Contracts & Procurement in order to be considered valid. Any quotations or pricing information sought by and provided to individual University departments will not be legally binding and will not be honored unless deemed in the best interests of the University.
  • All correspondence with the University related to the purchase of goods and services must be directed to Contracts & Procurement unless otherwise directed by personnel.
  • Contracts & Procurement will evaluate all acceptable bid responses and will notify the selected vendor of contract award. Any inference of commitment made by individual University departments is unauthorized and, therefore, non-binding on the University.
  • Contracts & Procurement and/or an ad hoc negotiation team will conduct negotiations. Any terms and conditions negotiated independently that deviate from the University's standard contractual language will not be honored unless approved by Contracts & Procurement.

Point Park University welcomes new suppliers, especially those with innovative products or services that will improve quality and reduce costs.

The University purchases goods and services of the best value, defined as the optimum combination of quality and price. In order to obtain this value, the Contracts & Procurement Department relies on supplier expertise in their given commodity field, practices value analysis, and is receptive to supplier suggestions regarding potential areas for cost savings.

If you are interested in doing business with Point Park University, please review the Supplier Code of Conduct Policy, the information on Supplier Performance and Doing Business with Point Park University, and Visiting Campus first.

Once you are familiar with how to work with the University, you may contact Michael Shahen (412-392-3985) in the Contracts & Procurement Department.

The University would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all initial sales appointments are made with the Contracts & Procurement Department by contacting Michael Shahen at 412-392-3985.

We ask that you are respectful of our faculty and staff's time; therefore, please do not enter a University department without an appointment with that department and a referral from Contracts &  Procurement. Any vendor who enters the University without an appointment may be asked to leave campus by the department or Campus Security.

All visitors to the University must first check in at the Security Desk located in the atrium lobby of Academic Hall, corner of the Boulevard of the Allies and Third Avenue. Security will supply you with a visitor's badge to be worn at all times while on campus. We appreciate your compliance with our efforts to keep our students, faculty and staff safe.

Proposals and Quotations

The University uses a mixture of informal quotations and formal RFQs / RFPs, dependent upon the projected dollar amount and complexity of a particular commodity / service. Responses to quotations must be returned directly to Contracts & Procurement, not to the requesting department. This policy serves to protect confidential pricing information provided by the supplier and also ensures that each supplier will be treated fairly in procurement decisions. Vendors who decline to bid on a particular project are asked to notify Contracts & Procurement via facsimile or email. Any bid received after the specified due date will be considered non-responsive.

Competitive Bidding Policy

The University competitively bids and / or negotiates the terms of commodity and service requirements on behalf of the University. During the competitive bidding and / or negotiation process, all communications with potential vendors are lead by the Contracts & Procurement Department in an effort to provide a level playing field for all vendors engaged in the process and to maintain confidentiality of these communications. If you are involved in a competitive bidding process with the University, please do not communicate with individual evaluation team members unless specifically requested to do so by the Contracts & Procurement Department.

As a private institution, the University is not required by law to select the "lowest" bid. Rather, we strive to obtain the "best evaluated" bid in terms of price, terms, satisfaction, adherence to specifications, and ability to meet delivery requirements. Also, we are not subject to sunshine laws or public bid openings; therefore, please do not ask us for competitors' bid pricing for open bids.

Vendor Risk Management (VRM)

The University practices a robust Vendor Risk Management (VRM) process. Part of this process involves collecting critical information from potential suppliers that can be used to access the risk of doing business with each key supplier. Information requested will include but not be limited to sophistication of business processes; enterprise-wide security of data; and current and historical lawsuits and fines. Key suppliers will be asked by invitation only to complete the supplier profile form, the first step in our VRM process. Any questions related to VRM can be directed to Contracts.

Purchase Orders

A properly executed purchase order is required to procure the majority of the goods for the University. Vendors should receive a signed purchase order before any items are shipped or services provided. Items shipped without a purchase order will not be paid for by the University and will be returned to the vendor with an RMA number at the vendor's sole expense. All invoices related to a purchase order must bear an authorized purchase order number. The University will not be held financially responsible for any invoicing that does not bear an authorized purchase order number, when applicable. View the University's Purchase Order Terms and Conditions here.


All contracts and agreements must bear the signature of an authorized agent of the University. Any contract $ 10,000 or more must be signed by the senior vice president of finance and operations in order to be considered an enforceable agreement. Department directors / chairs may sign agreements under $ 10,000. Please verify that your copy of the agreement contains the appropriate signature prior to proceeding with your work. All invoices related to a contract or agreement must bear the agreement number noted in the agreement. The University will not be held financially responsible for invoicing that does not bear an agreement number, when applicable.


Invoices should be directed to the Accounts Payable Department, Point Park University, 201 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, in a timely fashion. Invoices may also be emailed to The University's standard payment terms are Net 30 days unless otherwise negotiated on an individual contract basis. The University is free from the payment of state sales tax on most purchases. Requests for tax exemption certificates should be directed to the Business Office at 412-392-3966.

Delivery Status Updates

Contracts & Procurement will call routinely to inquire about the status of deliveries, particularly those that have exceeded the expected due date. Please remember that "on-time" delivery is a key component of supplier evaluation; poor delivery will preclude a supplier from receiving future business.


Please follow any delivery instructions referenced on the purchase order and supporting documents. Please note that University deliveries are to be shipped "FOB, Destination." No exceptions will be made to this policy. Standard delivery hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4 pm Purchase order numbers should be referenced on the outside of all packages to facilitate identification by the mailroom. Please see more detailed information regarding delivery locations and delivery times here.

Return of Merchandise

The University reserves the right to return, at the supplier's expense, any merchandise that does not meet quality standards, technical specifications, or other conditions stated on the commitment document.

Equipment Provided for Evaluation

No equipment can be provided for evaluation without prior approval by Contracts & Procurement. The University requires that an equipment evaluation agreement be signed by the lending vendor before any equipment is delivered to campus. The University will not be held responsible for the proper use and return of any item provided for evaluation without prior written approval from Contracts & Procurement and signature of both parties on the equipment evaluation agreement.

Point Park University Supplier Code of Conduct

Suppliers doing business with Point Park University are required to adhere to the University's Supplier Code of Conduct. Click HERE for a copy of the University's Supplier Code of Conduct. 


Point Park University employees are generally prohibited from accepting gifts from suppliers. While we appreciate the intent of an offered gift, we prefer your continued support in providing the University with the highest quality goods and services at the most competitive price possible.   

The University currently has two delivery locations:  The primary receiving area is located in Lawrence Hall - located at 312 Third Avenue - Mon. through Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Receiving area

Please note that Point Park University does NOT have a loading dock at their primary receiving area (see photo). Therefore, heavy items or bulky packages must be delivered on trucks equipped with a hydraulic lift or similar equipment. If this equipment is not provided, the University will refuse delivery (NO EXCEPTIONS).

A second delivery location is at the Pittsburgh PLayhouse located at 331 Fourth Avenue - Mon. through Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Please read this document for more detailed shipping information.