Podchats with the CIE

November's Podchat
Gratitude & Virtue (Signaling)
Check out the playlist below and help us expand the conversation throughout the month via our Canvas discussion boards.
Reply All: "The Least You Could Do" [45 minutes]
Gastropod: "What is Native American Cuisine" [42 minutes]
Discover, Discuss, and Dive Deeper into the Big Ideas
Podchats are a unique and engaging form of intellectual exploration that takes the traditional reading group and switches it around. Instead of reading books or articles, Podchats bring people together to listen and discuss thought-provoking podcasts and other recordings on a variety of topics.
How Podchats Work:
1. Monthly Topics. We will hold a new Podchat based on a new topic each month. A curated list of podcasts and other audio recordings will be provided for your convenience.
2. No-Reading Reading. Participants listen to the selected podcasts prior to the scheduled online discussion session. We don't expect every participant to listen to every single suggested recording if they are unable. Podchats are low-pressure opportunities to learn.
3. Zoom Discussions. We'll have one live Podchat session a month with the CIE and guest speakers. Participants are free to share their insights, opinions, and questions.
4. Canvas Online Forum. The conversation will continue on the CIE Canvas forum for the rest of the month, allowing the space for in-depth exchanges and deeper analysis.
Questions on our upcoming Podchats? Email Dr. Sarah Perrier at sperrier@pointpark.edu.
October 2023 - The Inclusive University
The Allusionist: “Actively Passive [22 minutes]
Neuro Queering: “Broadening DEI Work to Include Intersectional Identities and Neurodiversity” [34 minutes]
Cerebro Series: “Combatting Microaggressions with Microaffirmations” [6 minutes]
September 2023 - Dive Into AI(2)
Life Kit: AI-generated images are everywhere. Here's how to spot them [22 minutes]
American Hysteria: Griefbots [15 minutes]
Digital Folklore: The Internet is the New Woods [46 minutes]