Student Complaint
Point Park University is committed to providing our students with quality academic, co-curricular and support services that combine to provide an outstanding learning environment. In addition, the University is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. To that end, the purpose of this policy is to provide our students with an avenue to assist the University in identifying serious or systemic concerns, problems or issues affecting the quality of University life.
Application of the Policy
This policy applies to all students who are currently enrolled at Point Park University at the time of the filing of the complaint. A parent, relative, employer, agent and any other person acting for or on behalf of a student may not file a complaint through this process.
Definition of Complaint
A complaint involves a written concern, problem or issue signed by a Point Park University student. A complaint may be academic or non-academic. A complaint is considered only if the student has first attempted to resolve the concern, problem or issue by approaching the individual University faculty or staff and then that individual’s department chairperson or supervisor. The concern, problem or issue was not resolved at either of these two levels to the satisfaction of the student.
The Student Complaint Process does not apply to grade appeals or Title IX issues.
Student Complaint Process
Step One – The student attempts to resolve the concern, problem or issue with the individual directly involved. If resolution does not take place then proceed to Step Two.
Step Two – The student attempts to resolve the concern, problem or issue with the individual’s department chairperson or supervisor. If resolution does not take place then proceed to Step Three.
Step Three – The student files a written complaint using the Student Complaint Form and submits a Student Affairs complaint (Athletics, Campus Life, Commuter Affairs, Food Service, Residence Life, Student Center, Student Organizations, United Student Government) to the associate vice president for student affairs.
All other complaints should be sent to the assistant provost for curriculum and education.
Step Four – The associate vice president or the assistant provost will refer the complaint to the appropriate University official for review and resolution.
Step Five – The University official will notify the student of the complaint resolution.
Step Six – The University will maintain a record of all student complaints including date of complaint, time to resolve complaint, any pattern of complaints emerging and any policy or procedure changes as a result of the complaint.
Filing a Complaint
Please complete the Student Complaint Form if you have a complaint that you wish to file.
Note: Clicking on the Student Complaint Form link will redirect you to PointWeb. An active student account is required to complete the Student Complaint Form.
If a student does not agree with the complaint resolution at the institutional level, complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities and operations may be filed with the SARA portal agency:
SARA Student Complaints - NC-SARA
A complaint with an academic component may also be appealed to the Department of Education or Point Park University’s accrediting agency:
Students Complaints - Dept. of Education - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
3624 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680
Phone: (267) 284-5000
Fax: (215) 662-5501