Assessment of Student Learning
Definition of Assessment
Point Park University is committed to ongoing and systematic assessment for the improvement of student learning in the classroom, courses, programs and core curriculum.
Specifically, assessment is the ongoing process of:
Establishing clear, measurable objectives (expected outcomes) of student learning.
Ensuring that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve outcomes.
Systematically gathering, analyzing and interpreting evidence to determine how well student learning matches our expectations.
Using the resulting information to understand and to improve student learning.
(Linda Suskie, Assessing Student Learning, 2004)
Teaching and Learning Lab
The Teaching and Learning Lab (TALL) supports Point Park faculty and staff in efforts to improve student learning by providing resources, instruction and assistance in curriculum development and review, creation and implementation of outcomes-based assessment measures, and technology tools' instruction. Learn more about the Teaching and Learning Lab.
The Core Outcomes Assessment Committee
The Core Outcomes Assessment Committee is a Faculty Assembly committee that conducts annual assessment of the core curriculum, reviews core outcomes data and makes recommendations for improvement of student learning.
Important Links
National Survey of Student Engagement
Point Park University administers NSSE every other year as an assessment and improvement tool for many areas, including academic challenge in the Core and Majors/Degree Programs. The link below provides the NSSE Mean Comparisons Data, a report that is based on information from all randomly selected students for Point Park and our comparison institutions.
Additional Information
For additional information regarding assessment of student learning at Point Park University or if you have any specific questions regarding how Point Park uses NSSE data, please contact:
Dr. Sarah Perrier, AVPAA & Director of TALL (412) 392-8184
Emily Quidetto, Coordinator of Planning & Assessment (412) 392-3458
Chris Choncek, Associate Vice President of Institutional Research & Strategic Planning (412) 392- 3905