Strategic Planning Process 2022-2023 Point Park University & Studer Education: Strategic Planning Process

This webpage is designed to keep the Point Park University community informed of the current strategic planning process, including details regarding our external partners at Huron Studer Education. It contains timelines, reports, and other helpful documents related to constructing our next 5-year strategic plan. We hope you find this information helpful.
Thank you for providing feedback during the Point Park University Strategic Planning process.
To date, we have collected feedback from both internal and external stakeholder groups, including students, alumni, staff, faculty, community leaders, the executive team, and the board. The feedback has come from discovery sessions and from an organizational assessment.
The survey was administered by Huron | Studer Education in an anonymous way.
The feedback from the survey and the feedback from the discovery sessions will be synthesized and reviewed by Point Park, as well as Studer Education. This phase of feedback provides an opportunity to consider further refinement of the pillars, the pillar statements, and outcomes.
Point Park University: Executing the Strategic Plan with Fidelity
Studer Education is honored to lead the next-level, 3-year strategic plan with Point Park University. To outline the process by sharing organizational management details, we have been engaged in the environmental scanning process since early summer 2022. Specifically, strategic planning committee members have submitted national, regional, and local best practices for colleges like Point Park University with reference to thriving in the present through the future.
The environmental scan phase of the strategic planning work will continue to occur and evolve throughout the engagement until May 2023. Please find the report below.

The sun rises over the intersection of the Boulevard of the Allies and Wood Street.