Monday, December 16, 2024
Masters and doctoral students received their diplomas and hoods at the fall Hooding Ceremony held on Sat. Dec 14 in the Pittsburgh Playhouse.
Monday, July 29, 2024
The Visit Scholarship, valued at $4,000, is exclusively available to high school juniors and seniors who visit Point Park University's vibrant Downtown campus between Aug. 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025.
"I applaud Point Park University for organizing and offering such a timely and important program. This program has the potential to make significant contributions to our society and world."
"The M.A. in Professional Studies allowed me to transfer my previous credits in, and I was able to tailor my course selections to fit in with not only my professional experience up until this point, but also next steps in my career moving forward."
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
On Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024, the first cohort of the Citizen Reporting Academy held its graduation in the Center for Media Innovation at Point Park University.
"Where the academy excels is its instructors’ ability to provide insider knowledge and experience. Every single instructor is a professor or industry veteran."
"The Citizen Reporting Academy program was just the right amount of time, taking five months to complete. The coursework is extremely relevant and presented in two-week modules that are self-paced."
Monday, August 7, 2023
The Point Park University Visit Scholarship — valued at $4,000 ($1,000 per academic year)— aims to recognize and reward the enthusiasm of prospective students who take the time to experience firsthand the unique educational environment and rich cultural offerings of the Downtown campus.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
“Our goal is to empower citizens to fill in some of the coverage gaps in their communities, but we also want to partner with news organizations as they look to expand their reach into vulnerable communities,” said Andrew Conte, assistant vice president and managing director of the CMI.