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Pictured is Moriam Durosinmi-Etti, 2014 M.A. organizational leadership alumna and Regional Advisory, Development Planning and Statistics Intern for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethopia. | Photo submitted by Durosinmi-Etti

Meet Moriam Durosinmi-Etti

Recent internship: Regional Advisory, Development Planning and Statistics Intern for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Degrees earned:
M.A. in organizational leadership with a concentration in special topics, 2014; certificate in project management, University of Toronto, 2013 and B.A. in political science and international studies, University of Kentucky, 2012
Lagos, Nigeria
High school:
Lagoon Secondary School and Oneida Baptist Institute
Now living in:
Silver Springs, Md.
Researching different cultures and countries to live and work in, traveling and relaxing with my family and friends

How did you land your internship with the United Nations in Ethiopia?

My dad suggested I apply for a position with the U.N. and I got it. I've never been to East Africa before so it was a new experience for me. As part of the M.A. organizational leadership program, we were asked to conduct primary research through an internship or capstone project. It was the perfect opportunity for me to complete my degree by embedding this internship into my final special topics course.

What were your key internship responsibilities?

I researched and analyzed topics relating to development and statistics and drafted and edited publications, papers and other documents. I also served as a liaison with the Capacity Development Division stakeholders on key development topics for Africa.

In addition, I drafted terms of reference used to create the working departments who write African Development Goals and did research for countries that were requesting aid from the CDD. Also, I did the background research used in the creation of the handbook on "Strategic Planning for Structural Transformation and Inclusive Growth in Africa."

Why did you choose Point Park's M.A. in organizational leadership program?

I heard about Point Park through my aunt who attended there. When I read what the M.A. in organizational leadership program at Point Park was all about, it was perfect for me. I could pair it with my political science degree and project management certificate and it would give me a lot of career flexibility. I wanted to learn what it takes to be a leader. Being a leader is easier said than done.

What was it like being an international grad student on Point Park's campus?

I went to high school in the United States so being an international student in grad school wasn't a big adjustment for me. However, whenever I had any questions, I called Rebecca Lee or Amanda Avampato in the Office of International Students Services and Enrollment and they were a great help.

Describe the teaching style of Point Park's M.A. organizational leadership professors.

Their teaching style is one of the best. It was my favorite. They brought the students out of their comfort zone. My undergraduate classes were huge so it always felt like the professors were just talking at the students but at Point Park it was interactive. We all did class presentations, which built our confidence. There were great class discussions and opportunities for networking.

My favorite professors were Dr. Jamesena Talbott and Dr. Helena Knorr. They were both super helpful and were my go-to people when I had questions.

What are your career goals?

I plan on moving home to Nigeria within the next year. I see myself as an innovative thinker. Nothing is impossible. In my career, I want to influence my community. Eventually, I want to go into politics but in the meantime, I plan to work in the public and private sectors.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I recommend Point Park to everyone, especially for individuals interested in the social science fields. Point Park University is truly a hidden gem in Pittsburgh.
