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Meet Mackenzie Farone

Pictured is business management and M.B.A. alumna Mackenzie Farone.

Job title: Marketing Manager for North America
Employer: Greiner Bio-One North America, Inc.College Activities: Honors Program, internship with the Provost's Office
Degrees earned: Bachelor of Science in Business Management in 2009 and M.B.A. in 2011
M.B.A. concentration: International Business
Hometown: Warren, Pa.
High School: Warren Area High School
Now living in: Charlotte, N.C.
Hobbies/interests: Spanish, exercising, outdoor activities and singing

How did you land your current position as a marketing manager for Greiner Bio-One?

While I was actively job-hunting, the company I now work for found my resume on LinkedIn. They contacted me for an initial interview and asked that I complete a project, which consisted of creating a full marketing plan for the company in three days. I completed the project and presented it to the director of sales and marketing during the first round of interviews. After a third round of interviews, I was offered the position.

What factors made you choose Point Park for both of your degrees?

I appreciated the small class sizes. Also, Point Park offered me the most academic scholarships among my choice schools. When I decided to continue my education with graduate school, I was working full time in the Office for Academic Affairs at Point Park so this afforded me the opportunity to earn an M.B.A. without much of an added expense.

What were some of your favorite experiences at Point Park?

I met some of my lifelong friends at Point Park. Since graduation, we still see each other despite being scattered around the country. The memories I made with my roommates and friends are something I will always remember. Also, it was my experiences as an intern and employee of Point Park that gave me the skills I needed to excel at the job I currently have. My internship was a truly life-changing, positive experience.

In what ways have your business management and M.B.A. degrees helped you reach your career goals so far?

I know that my current employer would not have given me the opportunity to have the job I have now had I not earned a graduate degree. A prerequisite of this job was to have a master's degree so it certainly opened doors for me in my career field.

Having these degrees has allowed me to feel more confident and they warrant more respect in my field. My boss has also earned an M.B.A. so he was familiar with the effort and level of knowledge that it takes to complete the degree. I believe this helped him make his final decision to hire me.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I would love to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all of the professors and employees of Point Park who helped me along the way. My success was due to many people who took a risk and helped a young person build her skills and resume in the process.
