Preschool (Ages 3-4)

Getting to Know You - Becky Weiler, Justin O'Toole, and Kelly Lewis
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade level: Preschool (3-4 years old)
Length of Lesson: 40 minutes
Objectives:The students will be able to:
- Gather data about themselves
- Organize and display data on a graph
- Discuss the data on the graph they have helped to create.
I Am Special and You Are Special Too - Kelly Lewis, Justin O'Toole, Becky Weiler
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade level: Preschool (3 and 4 year olds)
Length of Lesson: 30 minutes
Objectives: The student will be able to...
- Create a drawing of themselves through the use of multicultural people color crayons
- Explain to a teacher what makes them special
Families and Neighborhoods - Becky Weiler, Kelly Lewis, and Justin O'Toole
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade level: Preschool (3-4 years old)
Length of Lesson: 3 days, 30 minutes each
Objectives:The students will be able to:
- Discuss verbally the uniqueness of their family and neighborhood.
- Design and construct their own home for the class neighborhood, out of a shoebox.
- Design and construct in cooperative groups, a class neighborhood, using a variety of art materials.
- Explore and express their ideas and feelings through actively participating/playing in the class neighborhood.
Foods and Languages of the World - Kelly Lewis, Justin O'Toole, Becky Weiler
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade Level: Preschool (3 and 4 year olds)
Length of Lesson: 30 minutes
Objectives: The student will be able to...
- Make their own ice cream sundae given various toppings from around the world.
- Repeat greetings in the Italian, Chinese, and Spanish languages.
Physical Differences - Becky Weiler, Kelly Lewis, and Justin O'Toole
Subject Area: Diversity, Social Studies
Grade level:Preschool (Ages 3-4)
Length of Lesson: 25 minutes
Objectives:The students will be able to:
- Discuss the differences/similarities of their friends and others, after reading the book, We Can Do It!
- Explore and express their ideas, senses, and feelings on being different, through actively participating in a class activity, based on using their sense of touch and smell.
Using Words to Work Things Out - Kelly Lewis, Justin O'Toole, Becky Weiler
Subject Area: Diversity
Grade level: Preschool (3 and 4 year olds)
Length of Lesson: 45-75 minutes
Objectives:The students will be able to:
- Begin to negotiate conflicts by using words.
- Participate in a puppet show that dramatizes a story recently read in class.
- Respect the feelings and belongings of other children.
International Festival: Mexico - Becky Weiler, Justin O'Toole, Kelly Lewis
Subject Area: Multicultural Diversity
Grade level: Preschool (Ages 3-4)
Length of Lesson: 60 minutes
Objectives: The students will be able to:
- Explore and build an understanding of cultural diversity through participation in a variety of art, literacy, cooking, and a musical activity on the country of Mexico.