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Pictured is alumnus Giuseppe Esposito.

Meet Giuseppe Esposito '19

Job Title & Employer
Motion Graphics Producer, Pittsburgh Penguins
Baldwin, Pa.
High School
Baldwin High School
Now Living In
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hobbies & Interests
Music, tech, movies, games, art

"One of the reasons I chose Point Park was its location. It was hard to beat for me. The equipment and facilities for the animation program are top-notch as well, so make use of it all."

Giuseppe Esposito '19

Tell us what you do as a motion graphics producer for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

I create graphics and animations for home games at PPG Paints Arena that are featured on the jumbotron and rings inside the bowl. Some of the graphics include noise prompts (get loud, make noise, etc.), theme nights, in-game opening videos and ads for concerts/future events. If needed, I also create graphics for PensTV and assist on video shoots, but a majority of my job focuses on game day content.

What do you enjoy most about your job and why?

I really enjoy making content that plays during the home games. My favorite things to work on are noise prompts and opens since you get to hear fans reactions at the games. Creating prompts for theme nights are also fun because it allows me to be creative. Overall, the combination of getting to be creative and seeing a reaction in real time is what does it for me.

What factors made you choose Point Park University?

Point Park's campus is great, and since you’re in Downtown Pittsburgh there’s a lot to do and so many good places to eat. One of the reasons I chose Point Park was its location. It was hard to beat for me. The equipment and facilities for the animation program are top-notch as well, so make use of it all.

In what ways did your undergraduate experience prepare you for your career?

Having professors who worked in the industry helped tremendously — shout out to Jonathan Trueblood and David Morrison — because they gave me insight on what to expect and what not to do. Class assignments also helped prepare me for a job. Not just because they were critical in developing my skills as an animator, but because our due dates were treated like deadlines and it gave you an idea on what your workflow might look like on a freelance gig or a full-time job. Getting to learn industry standard applications and equipment also helped, since some of that is out of reach or too expensive to buy as a college student. Plus, we could add those programs to our resumes.

What advice do you have for prospective students?

Don’t slack off on your assignments because you never know which ones could be used for demo reel content. You can still use your projects as demo reel material, but if you don’t add your own spin to them or go above and beyond, companies can tell you used homework versus a project (trust me on that).

Also, use your student discount on as many programs and related things because they are more expensive once you graduate. If there’s a license to a program or plugin you want, buy it while you have that discount (if it’s applicable).

Is there anything else you would like to add?

If there’s one thing I was stubborn about while listening to my professors’ lectures, it’s about how finding a job in this field isn’t easy. Going into a field like this is extremely competitive, and if you aren’t constantly trying to better your work and apply to every job you see, it’s going to take a long time. My advice is to apply to everything — even if you think you aren’t qualified — and jump at the chance to get your foot in the door.