Institutional Research and Planning Primary Resource for University Data
2022-23 Strategic Planning Process
Stay connected every step of the way as we work to establish Point Park University's new Strategic Plan.
The Office of Institutional Research and Planning is responsible for providing Point Park University leadership with information that supports institutional planning, policy formation and decision making. The office serves as a comprehensive source for information about the University, provides data to meet various state and federal requirements, and generates essential University reports, including:
Statistical data and summary information designed to answer the most frequently asked questions about the University
Quick Facts and Figures
Summary sheet published annually in conjunction with the Factbook
Enrollment Reports
Five-year variance reports in various formats
Student Satisfaction Inventory
Standardized survey of students' satisfaction with a wide-range of college experiences, programs and services
Common Data Set
Collaborative effort among the higher education community and college guidebook publishers (such as the College Board, Peterson's and U.S. News & World Report) to develop standard data items and definitions used in higher education surveys.
For more information about institutional research and comparative data, check out these resources and web tools.
What exactly is Institutional Research? Find out on
Contact Us
Office of Institutional Research and Planning
Christopher E. Choncek, Assistant Vice President
Academic Hall, 8th Floor
412-392-8121 Fax